Discover rare insights from this world-class panel on how multiple technologies are converging to transform business, lives, and society.


29 Little West 12th Street
New York, New York

Event Details

Hosted by the Kellogg Alumni Club of New York, join Robert Wolcott (Professor of Innovation), Matt Hartman, (Leading AI Venture Capitalist), Moran Cerf (Expert on brain-machine interfaces) and Sandra Matz (Award-Winning Social Scientist) for an interactive technology debate like no other!

Prof. Wolcott will also share insights from his new book co-authored with Kaihan Krippendorf, Proximity: How Coming Breakthroughs in Just-In-Time Transform Business, Society, and Daily Life.

The event is open to all. Bring your friends and colleagues!

What are the tectonic shifts of this age?
What will business look like 3-5 years from now?
What will this mean for consumers, employees and society?
What does this mean for you?


Rob Wolcott, Moderator, is Cofounder and Chair of The World Innovation Network (TWIN). He is also Professor of Innovation at the Kellogg School of Management and Booth School of Business. His latest book Proximity (with Kaihan Krippendorf, 2024) previews the breakthroughs will transform businesses, society and life. He is an active investor in more than 30 companies many of which lead the Proximity revolution.

Matthew Hartman, is Managing Partner at Factorial Capital. He was previously General Partner at Betaworks where they wrote the very first check into Huggingface (Github for machine learning) which now hosts over 350k AI models and is valued at over $4bn. Before becoming an investor, Matt was a founder and software developer. He is among the leading thinkers of the AI revolution and is an early stage investor in applications of AI, both open and closed source, natural language driven code tools, as well as applications to productivity and creativity.

Moran Cerf is one of the world's leading experts on brain machine interfaces and neural implants. In his acclaimed research Prof. Cerf studies patients undergoing brain-surgery by recordingthe activity of individual nerve cells using electrodes implanted in the patient's brain to answer questions such as: "How are conscious percepts formed in our brain?" , "How can we control our emotions?" and "How can we make content that is engaging for the brain?"

Prof. Cerf is currently Adjunct Professor of Business at Columbia Business School and the Alfred P. Sloan Chair at the American Film Institute (AFI), where he teaches an annualscreenwriting class. He has also taught neuroscience and marketing for more than a decade at the Kellogg School of Management.

Sandra Matz is the David W. Zalaznick Associate Professor of Business at Columbia Business School. As a computational social scientist, she studies human behavior and preferences using a combination of Big Data analytics and traditional experimental methods.

Her research aims to understand how psychological characteristics influence real-life outcomes in a number of business-related domains (e.g. financial well-being, consumer satisfaction or team performance), with the goal of helping businesses and individuals to make better decisions.




$40 (through 4/26). Ticket price includes appetizers and non-alcoholic drinks.


Register Online

Deadline: 5/2/2024


Hari Sripathi 
Kellogg Alumni Club of New York