For our Economics candidates, please email Malaina Brown, Eric Budish, and Matt Notowidigdo. For our Finance and Joint Program in Financial Economics candidates, please email Stefan Nagel. Please contact Malaina Brown for all other job market candidates.

You can find candidates by area: Accounting, Behavioral Science, Econometrics and Statistics, Economics, Finance, Joint Program in Financial Economics, Management Science and Operations Management, and Marketing. Note that candidates entering the Marketing job cycle are currently live.

We also invite you to review job market candidates at the University of Chicago’s Kenneth C. Griffin Department of Economics.

You can find full details about current and past PhD student Career Outcomes here.


Grey Placeholder Image

Jonas Piero Dalmazzo

Job Market Paper: "The Effects of Alternative Data on Misreporting"
Research Interests: Disclosure, Capital Markets, Misreporting, Regulation, Banking
Dissertation Committee: Philip G. Berger (Chair), Christian Leuz, Delphine Samuels, João Granja
Personal Website

Jonas Piero Dalmazzo
Grey Placeholder Image

Yanzi (Yvonne) Han

Job Market Paper: "The Precision Trap: How R&D Reclassification Distorts Investment"
Research Interests: Disclosure; corporate finance; intangible capital; corporate governance
Dissertation Committee: Valeri Nikolaev (Chair), Haresh Sapra, Douglas Skinner, Anthony Welsch, and Anastasia Zakolyukina
Personal Website

Yanzi (Yvonne) Han

Behavioral Science

Check back later for candidates in Behavioral Science.

Econometrics and Statistics

Grey Placeholder Image

Zhouyu Shen

Job Market Paper: "Can Machines Learn Weak Signals?"
Research Interests: Machine Learning, High Dimensional Statistics, Time-series Econometrics, Financial Econometrics
Dissertation Committee: Dacheng Xiu (Chair), Christian B. Hansen, Tengyuan Liang, Chao Gao
Personal Website

Zhouyu Shen
Grey Placeholder Image

Boxin Zhao

Job Market Paper: "Statistical Learning and Optimization under Distribution Shift"
Research Interests: Distribution Shift, Transfer Learning, Probabilistic Graphical Models, and Federated Learning
Dissertation Committee: Mladen Kolar (Co-Chair), Cong Ma (Co-Chair),Tengyuan Liang, and Sanmi Koyejo
Personal Website

Boxin Zhao
Grey Placeholder Image

Cong Zhang

Job Market Paper: "Asset Pricing in Digital Economy with Regulations"
Research Interests: Asset Pricing; Applied Econometrics; Financial Regulations
Dissertation Committee: George M Constantinides (Co-chair), Jeffrey R Russell (Co-chair), Lars Peter Hansen, Chad Syverson
Personal Website

Cong Zhang


Grey Placeholder Image

Lucy Msall

Job Market Paper: "Never-Realized Capital Gains"
Research Interests: Public Economics, Household Finance, Law & Economics, Innovation
Dissertation Committee: Marianne Bertrand (co-chair), Mikhail Golosov, Magne Mogstad (co-chair), Eric Zwick
Personal Website

Lucy Msall
Grey Placeholder Image

Fern Ramoutar

Job Market Paper: "Market Power in Residential Real Estate: Evidence from Chicago Rental Properties"
Research Interests: Urban Economics, Industrial Organization, Applied Microeconomics
Dissertation Committee: Thomas Wollmann (Chair), Erik Hurst, Matthew Notowidigdo
Personal Website

Fern Ramoutar
Grey Placeholder Image

Yixin Sun

Job Market Paper: "Learning is in the Air: Clean Air as an Experience Good"
Research Interests: Environment; Development; Health
Dissertation Committee: Marianne Bertrand (Chair), Fiona Burlig, Josh Dean, Michael Greenstone
Personal Website

Yixin Sun


Grey Placeholder Image

Rayhan Momin

Job Market Paper: "Effects and Design of Central Bank Corporate Credit Facilities"
Research Interests: Asset Pricing, International Finance, Macro-Finance, Monetary Policy
Dissertation Committee: Raghuram Rajan (Co-Chair), Zhiguo He (Co-Chair), Stefan Nagel, Quentin Vandeweyer, and Fabrice Tourre
Personal Website

Rayhan Momin

Joint Program in Financial Economics

Grey Placeholder Image

Manav Chaudhary

Job Market Paper: "Regulator Beliefs"
Research Interests: Asset pricing, Behavioral Economics, Intermediation, and Regulation
Dissertation Committee: Ralph Koijen (Co-Chair), Stefan Nagel (Co-Chair), Niels Gormsen, Lars Hansen.
Personal Website

Manav Chaudhary
Grey Placeholder Image

Jingoo Kwon

Job Market Paper: "Forecast Dispersion and Information Selection"
Research Interests: Asset pricing, Behavioral finance
Dissertation Committee: Stefan Nagel (Chair), Francesca Bastianello, Lars Hansen, and Ralph Koijen
Personal Website

Jingoo Kwon
Grey Placeholder Image

Federico Mainardi

Job Market Paper: "The Impact of Fiscal Policy on Financial Institutions, Asset Prices, and Household Behavior"
Research Interests: Asset pricing, macro-finance, public finance
Dissertation Committee: Ralph Koijen (Chair), Lars Hansen, Rohan Kekre, Stefan Nagel, Eric Zwick
Personal Website

Federico Mainardi
Grey Placeholder Image

Ben Marrow

Job Market Paper: "The Pricing of Earnings News"
Research Interests: Empirical asset pricing, Behavioral and institutional finance
Dissertation Committee: Stefan Nagel (Chair), Ralph Koijen, Lubos Pastor, Niels Gormsen, Lars Hansen
Personal Website

Ben Marrow

Management Science and Operations Management

Grey Placeholder Image

Dilara Sonmez

Job Market Paper: "Reconfiguring Primary Care Resources for Clinical and Financial Success in Value-Based Care"
Research Interests: Data analysis, healthcare, optimization, machine learning
Dissertation Committee: Daniel Adelman (Chair)

Dilara Sonmez
Grey Placeholder Image

Yucel (Naz) Yetimoglu

Job Market Paper: "Patient Selection for Xenotransplant Human Clinical Trials: A Data-Driven Approach"
Research Interests: Machine learning, Big data analytics, Healthcare operations, Optimization
Dissertation Committee: Baris Ata (Chair)

Yucel (Naz) Yetimoglu


Grey Placeholder Image

Rafael Batista

Job Market Paper:"Words that Work: Using Language to Generate Hypotheses"
Research Interests:
Consumer Psychology, Judgment & Decision-Making, Financial Decision-Making, Language, Lab and Field Experiments, Algorithmic Behavioral Science
Dissertation Committee:
Abigail Sussman (Co-Chair), Sendhil Mullainathan (Co-Chair), Jean-Pierre "JP" Dubé, Ayelet Fishbach
Personal Website

Rafael Batista
Grey Placeholder Image

Nicholas Herzog

Job Market Paper: "Misestimating Credit Card Balances: The Effect of Right-Digit Recall Errors on Spending"
Research Interests:
Financial Decision-Making, Consumer Behavior, Moral Psychology
Dissertation Committee:
Daniel Bartels (Chair), Berkeley Dietvorst, Stephanie Smith, and Abigail Sussman
Personal Website

Nicholas Herzog
Grey Placeholder Image

Kevin Lee

Job Market Paper: "Generative Brand Choice"
Research Interests: Industrial Organization, AI, Product Design, Decision Making
Dissertation Committee: Sanjog Misra (Chair), Eric Budish, Pradeep Chintagunta, Giovanni Compiani
Personal Website

Kevin Lee
Grey Placeholder Image

Jiaqi Yu

Job Market Paper: "Outward vs. Inward Thinking Use Different Heuristics: How Reframing Prevalence Influences Consumers’ Impact Judgments and Choices"
Research Interests: Cues and Heuristics, Product Packaging, Labeling, Consumer Inferences
Dissertation Committee: Oleg Urminsky (Chair), Daniel Bartels, Shereen Chaudhry, Kristin Donnelly
Personal Website

Jiaqi Yu
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