A Booth MBA also gives you access to unmatched career services.

We know that Evening MBA and Weekend MBA students come to Booth with a wide range of ambitions. We’re committed to working with you to develop an individualized action plan to help you reach your goals. The benefits of a Part-Time MBA from Booth are limitless.

Class of 2024 Employment Data

The Career Services team produces an employment report each year for Evening MBA and Weekend MBA graduates. The 2024 report includes graduates from Summer 2023 through Spring 2024. Individuals are surveyed up to four month prior to and four months following graduation. The 2024 Employment Report had a 97.4% response rate. Of all respondents, 35.5% reported that they were not seeking a career change and stayed in their current position or left the workforce.

Of Those Seeking a Career Change, 76% Made One†

job changes pie chart

*not mutually exclusive
†14.7% report that they continue to seek a career change; 2.6% did not respond to the survey. The employment report reflects changes made within four months prior to and four months following graduation.

About the Data

When Evening MBA and Weekend MBA students choose to leverage their MBA for a career change varies. To account for this, the report tracks career changes four months prior to and four months following graduation. The 2024 Employment Report had a 97.4 percent response rate. Among respondents, 35.5% percent reported that they were not seeking a career change and stayed in their current position or left the workforce.

“Working with a coach to explore my career options and connecting with people in related fields was very helpful. It helped me understand more about the career paths available to me and also gave me a better understanding of different career paths I would enjoy.”

— Chicago Booth Evening MBA Student 

Explore Our Employment Report

Our annual Employment Report details career outcomes for the most recent class of Evening MBA and Weekend MBA students at Chicago Booth. The report breaks down data by industry, job function, employment source, and employer, giving you insights into where our graduates work and what they do.

Male professionals talking, smiling Placeholder


Booth students are in demand. Learn more about the employers that have hired, promoted, or retained a recent class of our graduates.

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Job Tools and Resources

Research companies and industries, explore job opportunities, consult a career coach, or meet with an executive advisor—as an Evening MBA or Weekend MBA student at Booth, you’ll have access to an extensive array of career resources. Based at Gleacher Center, our Evening and Weekend Career Services team offers programs in the evenings, on Saturdays, and through virtual channels. Here are just some of our offerings:

“[The Executive-in-Residence Program is] a great chance to talk with experienced people who I would never get a chance to meet otherwise. The setting allows you to ask questions about careers, advancement, and managing the workplace that can be difficult to ask of people where you work.”

— Chicago Booth Evening MBA Student

Browse our FAQ

Questions about how a Chicago Booth MBA will boost your career? See our Career Services frequently asked questions for answers to some of the questions we hear most often.