We offer more advanced finance courses than any other business school.

As an analytic finance MBA student here, you'll learn how to do cutting-edge analysis as practiced in hedge funds, investment banks, risk management, and beyond. In partnership with some of the top thought leaders in the field, you’ll build the quantitative tools needed to sift through complex financial data and create innovative solutions to pressing financial issues.

Choose Your Courses

Customize your education by choosing courses that match your specific interests.

To complete a concentration in analytic finance, you’ll choose six courses in the discipline, including two advanced courses. Here are just a few of the options.

To see more analytic finance courses, visit our course catalog and search by concentration area for your program of interest.

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Our Distinguished Faculty in This Area

As an analytic finance MBA student at Chicago Booth, you’ll work closely with faculty scholars who are recognized for their impact on the theories and models associated with investments and financial markets.

Lars Peter Hansen

Lars Hansen

David Rockefeller Distinguished Service Professor The University of Chicago Departments of Economics, Statistics and the Booth School of Business

Lars Hansen
Steven Neil Kaplan

Steven Neil Kaplan

Neubauer Family Distinguished Service Professor of Entrepreneurship and Finance and Kessenich E.P. Faculty Director at the Polsky Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation

Steven Neil Kaplan

Spotlight on Research

Chicago Booth analytic finance faculty conduct research that makes significant contributions to the field and Chicago Booth Review frequently writes about their work.

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Learn from Industry Experts

Faculty members at Booth are connected to some of the most important leaders across various industries. Our faculty regularly invite these leading practitioners and influencers to speak to students in the Booth classroom, providing you with greater access to learn, network, and grow.

Learn from Industry Experts

Research Centers in This Area

Chicago Booth MBA students have access to several interdisciplinary centers that fund faculty research, host workshops and conferences, and foster a strong research community.

Beyond the Classroom

Develop new skills, meet new people, and build a dynamic global network. As an analytic finance student at Booth, you’ll have plenty of opportunities to get involved in student groups, competitions, and other activities.