At Chicago Booth, our mission is simple: to create knowledge with enduring impact, and to educate current and future leaders.

This mission forms the foundation of academic life at Booth—from our educational philosophy and transformative MBA curriculum to faculty research and lively classroom discussions and debates. Here's how we're different:

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Our Educational Philosophy

At Booth, we believe that rigorous inquiry inspires insights. We call our educational philosophy The Chicago Approach. We teach you how to turn any business challenge—no matter how small or large—into an opportunity. You will learn how to think for yourself, challenge the status quo, and ground discoveries in data.

Our Educational Philosophy
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A Transformative MBA Curriculum

Our MBA curriculum is rooted in the fundamentals of business: accounting, economics, psychology, sociology, and statistics. By developing a deep understanding of these fundamental areas of business, you will acquire an astute, agile, and analytical approach to problem-solving and decision-making.

A Transformative MBA Curriculum
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The World’s Leading Business School Faculty

Since 1982, ten of our faculty members have won the Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences, and three of those Nobel laureates teach here now. But the faculty at Booth are more than scholars of the highest caliber. Our faculty are passionate teachers and mentors, dedicated to ensuring that you receive a world-class business education and feel supported along the way.

The World’s Leading Business School Faculty
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An Engaging Classroom Experience

Debate and discussion are the principal modes of learning in Booth classrooms. You'll take an active role in uncovering the ideas and facts that underlie today’s pressing business issues. You’ll also learn in a wide variety of ways. From the case method to experiential lab courses to hands-on group projects, you’ll build skills and agility to tackle complex business challenges in any industry, for the rest of your life.

An Engaging Classroom Experience
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“Chicago Booth combines a strong background in the disciplines with outstanding applied courses, which should serve students well throughout their post-MBA careers.”
—Eugene F. Fama, Robert R. McCormick Distinguished Service Professor of Finance

Professor Steven Kaplan of Entrepreneurship and Finance teaching in front of a classroom Placeholder

Customize Your MBA

Choose from 15 concentrations and develop a deeper knowledge in the areas of business that most interest you. Some of our concentrations are STEM eligible.

Customize Your MBA
Female student at an event, speaking into a microphone Placeholder

Learn to Lead

Prepare to guide people and organizations to better outcomes. Your growth as a leader is central to your Chicago Booth MBA experience.

Learn to Lead

Our Research and Teaching Centers

MBA students at Booth have access to 13 high-powered centers that engage students in research, host workshops and conferences, and support faculty research projects.

The Rustandy Center for Social Sector Innovation supports a number of national social impact competitions, while the Polsky Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation offers a number of initiatives for students to help them launch a business, including the Edward L. Kaplan, ’71, New Venture Challenge, which is considered one of the top-ranked accelerator programs in the nation.

Booth’s MBA Academic Calendars

See our MBA program academic calendars below.

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A Destination for Entrepreneurship and Social Impact

Read the most recent stories of alumni, students, and faculty who are creating impact in the entrepreneurial and social impact spaces.

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