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The Architecture

Harper Center is one of the most beautifully designed buildings in Chicago—a global city known for its visionary architects and stunning architecture. Designed by world famous architect Rafael Vinõly, the building is located in Chicago’s Hyde Park neighborhood in the heart of the University of Chicago’s campus. The designers of the 415,000-square-foot building—completed in 2004—took their inspiration from Frank Lloyd Wright’s world-famous Robie House and the university’s iconic Rockefeller Chapel, each across the street from Booth’s Hyde Park campus. The building features a continuous band of windows, providing the interior with an abundance of natural light, as well as the six-story Rothman Winter Garden in the center of the building, which is topped by curved steel beams that form stunning Gothic arches.

The Architecture

Harper Center Features

Harper Center has a number of resources and unique aspects to support students.

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On the bottom floor of Harper Center, classrooms C01–C10 seat up to 70 students, while C25 seats up to 130. All classrooms feature state-of-the-art technology to support learning, including projectors, a lectern computer, web-based IP TVs, ceiling speakers, and other features.

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Harper Center is home to an outstanding contemporary art collection of more than 500 pieces, featuring works that are bold and thought-provoking. More than 120 artists are represented in the collection, making it one of the most unique collections of contemporary art in the United States.

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Students, faculty, and staff have access to two cafés in Harper Center: the Morning Bell, which serves Starbucks coffee and snacks, and the Everett Kovler Café—a popular breakfast and lunch spot on campus.

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Study and Work Spaces

There are a number of large spaces reserved just for students who desire a quiet space to study. Smaller, group study work spaces are also available for students. The group study rooms each feature a plasma screen you can connect a computer to.

Study and Work Spaces
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Student Lounge

Students have their own space to unwind and gather in Harper Center. A dedicated, 3,530-foot student lounge features couches, pool tables, a small kitchen, televisions, and a station to charge electronics.

Student Lounge
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Carrying all those finance, economics, and accounting books can be difficult. That’s why we provide students with their own locker—a space conveniently located next to classrooms. The lockers are quite large—big enough to hold a suit.

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Winter Garden

The atrium in the middle of Harper Center is a favorite gathering spacing for the entire Booth community. Events regularly take place in the Winter Garden, including two globally broadcasted events celebrating a faculty member of ours winning a Nobel Prize.

Winter Garden
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Summer Garden

The Summer Garden is a space on the south entrance of the building. When the weather is nice, students can study and chat on comfortable outdoor patio furniture. A famous work of art, “Ideas of Stone,” resides in the Summer Garden.

Summer Garden
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Research Centers

A great deal of faculty research is conducted under the auspices of our research centers. Many of these centers reside at Harper Center, including the Polsky Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation at the University of Chicago, the James M. Kilts Center for Marketing, and the Rustandy Center for Social Sector Innovation.

Research Centers
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Administrative Offices

Harper Center is home to many senior leaders, including the dean of the school. Numerous student resource offices are also available, such as our financial aid office.

Administrative Offices

Academic Programs at Harper Center

Visit Harper Center

The Charles M. Harper Center
The University of Chicago Booth School of Business
5807 S. Woodlawn Ave.
Chicago, IL 60637 USA


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