We'll meet on August 27 to enjoy some fine Spanish wines at Eñe. We'll watch a presentation of a sommelier, taste different Spanish wines, and have tapas from all over Spain. Hope to see you there!


Ene Restaurante
Rua Dr. Mario Ferraz, 213
Sao Paulo, Brazil

Driving Directions:http://www.enerestaurante.com.br/


R$ 140/ person


Register By Email
Register By Phone: +55-11-5019.1215
Please email a copy of your deposit confirmation, along with your name, telephone and email address. Payments should be made to: Jackson Ricardo Gomes CPF 019.723.148-90 Banco Itau S/A (banco 341) Agencia 0262 Conta Corrente 29.392-1

Deadline: 8/25/2009


Rodrigo Medeiros 
