The Downfall (and Possible Salvation) of Expertise
Can experts win back the public’s trust?
The Downfall (and Possible Salvation) of Expertise Read MoreCan experts win back the public’s trust?
The Downfall (and Possible Salvation) of Expertise Read MoreAs technology continues to improve, it requires less and less imagination to foresee how robots, computers, and artificial intelligence might drastically improve productivity in many industries—and displace human workers.
If Robots Take Our Jobs, Will They Make It Up to Us? Read MoreMarket performance under Republican presidents may be in part due to timing.
Why Stock Returns under Trump Might Disappoint Investors Read MoreResearchers hope to spur new lines of inquiry about how to quantify culture’s impact on economic performance, using company values as a proxy for cultural norms.
A New Way to Measure Culture’s Effect on Economic Growth Read MoreIt pays for a company to keep its word.
Strong Corporate Culture Leads to Strong Performance Read MoreProfessor Luigi Zingales employs an innovative methodology—including showing scenes from Hostel—to quantify the extent to which fear caused investors’ risk aversion to spike after the 2008–09 financial crisis, impeding their ability to make smart investment choices.
Which Is Scarier, a Horror Film or a Financial Crisis? Read More