1. Top Reason you chose Chicago Booth for your MBA


Academics far out-ranked any other choice students could make. With a course list of 130+ classes to choose from, students are ready for their first day in the classroom.

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Learn about our newest course offerings 

Students discuss the classes with greatest impact here and here

2. Concentration you are most interested in
(Select up to 3)

Strategic Management shot far ahead of the other concentrations with this class of students. Entrepreneurship and Finance were also of high interest to this class. Behavioral Science and Business Analytics were neck and neck in third.

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Learn about our discipline-based approach to strategic management

Build your future at the Polsky Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation and learn more about one student’s journey here

3. Booth Club you are most excited to join

Our incoming class is laser-focused on impacting their careers as quickly as they can. Their enthusiasm for joining one of Booth’s career-focused clubs, despite their many other interests, is apparent. Booth has 22 different career-focused groups, ranging from the broad stroke like Technology or Private Equity groups, to the specialized such as Sports Business, India club, and Entrepreneurship through Acquisition group.

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A full list of student clubs can be found here

Learn about other special interest clubs

4. What do you think your biggest challenge will be?

Faced with this question, the majority of all respondents acknowledged the challenge that comes with balancing the demands of work, school, and life. At the same time, most felt prepared to take on Booth’s exciting academics.

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Read about a few of our incredible jugglers, including students who travel for work or those who have families

5. I’m most excited to do the following in Chicago

This group is made up of many passionate foodies who want to go far beyond traditional deep dish pizza, to discover other culinary gems. The Gleacher Center’s prime location overlooking the Chicago River inspires a desire to further explore our beautiful Riverwalk, lakefront, and all that this city has to offer. 

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6. I would describe myself as (select up to 2)

Analytical might come to mind with Boothies, but you may not know that most students consider themselves social extroverts. There was still solid representation from our introverts, as well as those considering themselves Creative as a top trait.

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This innovative class classes teaches students about interpersonal dynamics

Improv at Booth teaches students effective communication skills

7. What do you enjoy most?

Again, Boothies adamantly declared their love of all things culinary, but they also make time to be active, play sports, and spend time outdoors. None of our incoming class felt that work should come at the expense of fun.

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Some of our student-run athletic clubs discuss their events

Virtual or in-person, the Wine Club is a student favorite


We can't wait for our newest batch of Boothies to begin!

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Talha Siddiqui

Early Career MBA: Spotlight on Chicago Business Fellows Talha Siddiqui

As a Chicago Business Fellow (CBF), Talha Siddiqui will be one of Chicago Booth’s first Gen Z Weekend MBA graduates. CBF is designed specifically for professionals with three years or less of full-time work experience who are interested in earning an MBA. Learn more about his early career MBA experience and why getting an MBA can be beneficial for you.

Early Career MBA: Spotlight on Chicago Business Fellows Talha Siddiqui