Douglas W. Diamond Recounts His Groundbreaking Career
In his Nobel lecture in Stockholm, the Chicago Booth economist explored the research that earned him the field’s top prize.
Douglas W. Diamond Recounts His Groundbreaking Career
As many of you know, Marketing & Communications recently launched Booth Stories, an online hub for storytelling from the entire Booth community. This hub includes thought leadership and events on COVID-19. Now that our community's content is all in one place and easy to find, we're scaling this newsletter back to twice a week.
Video: Working from home has some big costs
While digital tools are helping us get the job done from home, Booth's Lindsey Lyman says they come with costs to efficiency, relationships, energy, and health.
Video: How politicians and companies can regain trust
Crises are when credibility becomes paramount, says Booth's Haresh Sapra. In a financial crisis, accounting practices tend to get the blame for causing problems or making them worse.
Video: How do you prepare a supply chain for disaster?
COVID-19 has been particularly disruptive for supply chains. While supply-chain managers do plan for disaster scenarios, most events are local or regional, explains Nicole DeHoratius.
Some basic economics of COVID-19 policy
Booth's Robert H. Topel and Kevin M. Murphy and UChicago's Casey B. Mulligan examine the trade-offs we face in regulating behavior during the pandemic.
Video: How has COVID-19 shaped consumer behavior?
COVID-19 has changed US consumer-spending patterns, according to Booth's Constantine Yannelis, spurring first a surge and then a drop in spending.
Video: How can policy makers help people cope with uncertainty?
Booth's Ayelet Fishbach says reminding people that isolation will not last forever can help them wait out the crisis more patiently.
To stay up-to-date with CBR's content, follow its COVID-19 page and social channels.
How Chicago is uniting for the greater good
April 28 | Forbes
Booth professors and other business experts provided guidance to more than 1,200 people affected by the pandemic during the Polsky Center’s Small Business Bootcamp.
US loans didn't flow to businesses most at risk, study shows
April 27 | Bloomberg
Booth's João Granja, Constantine Yannelis, and Eric Zwick find that 15 percent of companies in regions hit hardest by the pandemic received funds from the Paycheck Protection Program.
Reopening has begun. No one is sure what happens next.
April 25 | The New York Times
According to Booth's Joseph S. Vavra, a gradual reopening comes with challenges. “We live in an economy where there are lots of interconnections between different sectors,” he said.
A big, once-reliable source of investor cash is drying up
April 24 | The New York Times
Many companies are cutting their dividend to stay afloat during the pandemic, which Richard Thaler says is rough for people who rely on dividends for income.
To stay up-to-date with media mentions, follow Booth on Twitter and its other social channels.
Post-lockdown economic recovery in China
The Becker Friedman Institute posted a white paper from Zhiguo He, Chang-Tai Hsieh, and coauthors on how China's economy has fared after easing restrictions on movement.
How inequality hurts the economy and complicates policy responses to the pandemic
In this ProMarket blog post, Booth's Amir Sufi and coauthors argue that very low interest rates have complicated the economic policy response to the COVID-19 health crisis.
COVID-19 Research and Information from HCEO Members
See a curated list of coronavirus-related research from Raghuram G. Rajan, Lars Peter Hansen, and other members of the Human Capital and Economic Opportunity Global Working Group.
Booth COVID-19 volunteers program pairs MBA skills with community need
Learn how a new program from the Rustandy Center helps Booth students rise to the occasion during the current crisis.
COVID-19 and the global economic outlook
Thursday, April 30, Noon
At the first virtual Economic Outlook, Randall S. Kroszner, Austan D. Goolsbee, and Raghuram G. Rajan will discuss how the health crisis will shape the global economy in the year ahead.
Stay at home with Polsky - Founder's story: Ben Schmuck
Thursday, April 30, Noon
An upcoming webinar in this Polsky series will feature alumnus Ben Schmuck, '14, who will share his unique entrepreneurial journey and discuss his work as a mentor at the Polsky Center.
COVID-19 and the US healthcare system
Monday, May 4, Noon
Join the Stigler Center for a conversation on the future of healthcare with author, journalist, and former health insurance executive Wendell Potter and Booth's Neale Mahoney and Guy Rolnik.
In his Nobel lecture in Stockholm, the Chicago Booth economist explored the research that earned him the field’s top prize.
Douglas W. Diamond Recounts His Groundbreaking CareerIn this issue, Booth experts weigh in on surging cases, the home office, and more.
COVID-19 Thought Leadership Digest: December 9Faculty insights into how to best respond to the COVID-19 crisis, new videos from Chicago Booth Review, the Becker Friedman Institute's new podcast on the economics of the pandemic, and more.
COVID-19 Thought Leadership Digest: April 24