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As students embark on their MBA experience, their involvement in student-led groups and clubs tends to play a prominent role in forming a collaborative community during their time at Booth. We have a multitude of student-led groups and clubs available, ranging from professional and leadership oriented groups to social clubs, cultural groups, special interest groups and more. With many options to choose from, Boothies have plenty of opportunities to pursue shared interests and create new experiences with their fellow classmates. Below are sentiments from co-chairs in some of our popular student-led groups and clubs at Chicago Booth.

Business and Professional Groups

Seven Pictured Booth Tech Group co-chairs smiling togther Placeholder

Booth Technology Group

Booth Technology Group (BTG) is a social and professional network of current students and alumni who are interested in pursuing a career in technology.

“Boothies are eager for everyone to succeed and have selflessly spent time sharing tips, conducting mock interviews, and being the best support systems one could ask for throughout the recruiting process. Being surrounded by such people inspires me to never stop paying it forward, because I am forever on the receiving end of the same generosity.” Sumant Nemmani, co-chair of Booth Technology Group 

Booth Technology Group
Health Care Group Harper Center in background with text "Make Innovation Happen Health Care Group (HCG)" Placeholder

Healthcare Group

The Healthcare Group (HCG) helps students learn more about the health-services industry and explore possible career opportunities in the healthcare sector.

“Even as a prospective student, I found that the Healthcare Group helped create a sense of community. I was so grateful for how willing the HCG co-chairs were to chat and help during the application process. Now, as a 2Y co-chair, I love how HCG brings together such a diverse group of people across all facets of the complex healthcare ecosystem. Not everyone ends up following a career in healthcare, but everyone is united by a passion for wanting to learn more about the industry.” – Lori Ebenstein, co-chair of Healthcare Group

Healthcare Group
six Marketing Group cochairs with Prof Gunter Hitsch at the Marketing conference Placeholder

Marketing Group

Marketing skills are essential to every company, and tomorrow's marketing and management leaders start their careers in the Booth Marketing Group.

“Marketing Group has been a vital resource for those recruiting for marketing careers at Booth. Events such as the Marketing Conference and Lunch & Learns with our corporate sponsors educate students on the potential careers within marketing, such as brand management, consumer insights, and product marketing. Social events including pub nights and quarterly socials at fun venues in downtown Chicago also help foster community and encourage support networks during the stressful recruiting season.” – Emily Yau, co-chair of Marketing Group

Marketing Group

Cultural/Regional/Religious/Personal Affiliation Groups

CWiB members at fall conference Placeholder

Chicago Women in Business

Chicago Women in Business (CWiB) works to advance professional opportunities and cultivate a supportive community for women.

“From attending my first CWiB fall picnic last year, to planning the Annual Fall Conference featuring esteemed alumnae and keynote speakers this year, I have been able to build a strong community to foster both my personal and professional interests within Booth. I have been able to meet driven women through smaller ‘CWiB Circle’ gatherings, larger networking events, ongoing socials, and more. I am very thankful for all of the inspiring women I have met through CWiB, and am excited to continue growing my Booth community this year!”  –  Anita Bopalkar,  co-chair of CWiB

“Being part of CWiB has added tremendous value to my Booth experience. In business school, we have the opportunity to bond with a diverse set of women across cultures, professional backgrounds, and geographies. I believe what sets us apart within CWiB and at Booth is our openness to grow and learn from one another, as well as our unwavering desire and dynamic effort to help each other succeed in any way that we can.” –  Elika Mazhar, co-chair of CWiB

Chicago Women in Business
AASA group members outside of Triple Crown Placeholder

Asian American Student Association

The Asian American Student Association (AASA) creates a tight-knit community at Booth for all students who identify as Asian-American and with the broader Asian diaspora as well as their allies, allowing members to reflect on their personal identities while bonding with others who share similar cultural experiences.

“In a new city and amongst the busyness that comes with being a student at Chicago Booth, the AASA extends my community outside of recruiting and specific interest groups. Whether it's having a dim sum meal with fellow members or sharing our culture with the wider school, AASA has given me a community that I can turn to for advice and to decompress. I'm particularly excited about our Lunar New Year celebration event coming up!” – Hanson Wong, co-chair of Asian American Student Association

Asian American Student Association

Leadership Groups

Members of Graduate Business Council in classroom Placeholder

Graduate Business Council

The Graduate Business Council (GBC) is responsible for supporting and enhancing the overall experience of students at Booth. GBC works with more than 60 student groups and clubs to organize professional and social events for students.

“Serving on the GBC provides an opportunity to become an active listener for fellow classmates and an agent liaising with administration to make informed decisions based on trends of student expectations. The job is both extremely rewarding as it is challenging in modulating the nuances and the needs of a heterogeneous community. Nevertheless, the council puts in the necessary work to execute initiatives and programming spanning community building and diversity and inclusion.” – Chudi Ilozue, President of Graduate Business Council

Graduate Business Council

Social Groups

four AudioBooth members performing on stage Placeholder


AudioBooth is a group for music lovers and music makers alike representing students who can sing, play an instrument, have an interest in singing or playing an instrument, or who just enjoy listening to music.

“AudioBooth has been one of the highlights of my time at Booth. From jamming with classmates who love all types of music to playing on stages while being cheered on by fellow Boothies, AudioBooth added a new dynamic to my MBA experience!” – Runi Penmetsa, co-chair of AudioBooth

Collage of Boothies in Epicurean Club posing with food Placeholder

Epicurean Club

The mission of the Epicurean Club is to strengthen the Chicago Booth community by providing activities that focus on the culinary arts through education, active events, demonstrations, and social outings.

“I loved being a member of the Epicurean Club in my first year because it allowed me to mix with both 2Ys and other 1Ys over a common love of food and exploring new restaurants in Chicago. I knew I wanted to become a co-chair of the club so that I could help foster that community further. Even if some food isn't as good as we'd hoped, the shared experience of discussing what we like and dislike at the table is usually even better than the meal itself.” – Jillian Hamersma, co-chair of Epicurean Club

Epicurean Club

Special Interest Groups

AFG members taking group photo outside with greenery in background Placeholder

Armed Forces Group

The Armed Forces Group (AFG) is open to both current and former members of the US and international armed services. AFG’s purpose is to prepare students for the recruiting process through various professional development opportunities and to be a supportive community throughout the MBA experience.

“My time as a member of the Booth Armed Forces Group has been an extension of the camaraderie I felt while on Active Duty. From the moment one fills out an indication of interest on the AFG website, veterans are met with constant support in their journey from application to graduation. Personally, the AFG has been even more than a safe space to ask all the questions I wouldn’t ask otherwise. It has been a sense of identity met with allies in every facet of the Booth experience—one which extends long after graduation.” – Jose Velis, co-chair of Armed Forces Group 

Armed Forces Group
Group of POLO Boothies with their families posing together outside of Country Line Orchard Placeholder

Parents of Little Ones Club

Parents of Little Ones (POLO) Club is made up of an amazing network of students and partners, and their children. It’s a great source of family fun! POLO hosts events weekly such as visiting museums, family park meet-ups, mom’s night out, dad’s night out, and more!

"Managing being a parent and an MBA student simultaneously can be a challenge, especially when you are an international student with a limited support network. Repeatedly, POLO has helped me navigate this challenge by both building connections with fellow students who are also parents and relying on those connections to better understand the differences that exist when raising a child in a different country." – Julianna Resende, co-chair of POLO Club

Parents of Little Ones Club
9 members of Booth Partners club on ice stating rink  Placeholder

Booth Partners Club

Booth Partners provides support and resources for partners and families of Chicago Booth students. Booth Partners club hosts social events, provides advice about living in Chicago, and more.

“The Booth Partners Club provides me with a community to learn from and have fun with while exploring Chicago. I'm so thankful for the large, active community that has brought me great friendships!” – Angelina Leigh, co-chair of Booth Partners Club

Booth Partners Club