Six Booth Students Named UChicago Obama Scholars
The students join a cohort of young leaders who are committed to driving change in their communities.
Six Booth Students Named UChicago Obama Scholars
Hometown: Houston, TX
Education: Texas A&M University, Bachelor of Business Administration
Before Booth: Senior Financial Analyst, The Walt Disney Company, Orlando, FL
2015 Internship: Summer Intern - Development, Paramount Pictures, Los Angeles, CA
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Michael Kurt: 00:04 I’ve always been interested in media and entertainment, and prior to Booth, spent the last four years working with the Walt Disney Company in corporate finance. I really learned the power of collaboration and teamwork. Those qualities permeate both organizations. The Booth brand symbolizes community, inquiry, curiosity, and more than anything, it’s a culture of inspiration.
Michael Kurt: 00:24
I came to business school to really develop my strategic mindset. In my Corporation Finance class, one of the cases that we had the chance to work on was a Movie Sequel Options case. It was a chance to really jump into something I could potentially be working on. This summer, I will be interning with Paramount Pictures in their Strategy and Business Development group. The learning is much more applicable and relevant and what I hope to be able to utilize and leverage in the future.
Michael Kurt: 00:50
Booth has such an innovative culture, and that transcends from the classroom through the student groups, from starting off with a trip to Japan with incoming students to being involved in the Graduate Business Council and the Media, Entertainment, and Sports Group. It’s really formed a very holistic and well-rounded experience. When I see other individuals who are just as passionate, I realize that, cohesively, we each bring that value to making this place this special community that it really is.
I was a character performer at Walt Disney World, primarily Tigger.
Winning “Best Film” at Golden Gargoyles.
The students join a cohort of young leaders who are committed to driving change in their communities.
Six Booth Students Named UChicago Obama ScholarsA series of events challenged students and staff to reflect on privilege and mitigate bias in the workplace.
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