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Chicago Booth is dedicated to supporting women in business by providing access to a world-class education, strong support network, and valuable resources all geared toward enhancing the experience of women in business.

Booth students have access to noteworthy faculty and staff members, some of whom attended Chicago Booth for their own MBAs. Alumna Lindsey Lyman, ‘08, and current Clinical Associate Professor of Entrepreneurship, is one prime example of an inspiring Booth woman making a difference both inside and outside of the classroom as a teacher, a mother, active angel investor, board member, and advisor to founders. Mary Beth Lanzy, Associate Director of Global Outreach and Admissions, is also a notable individual within the Booth community as she works directly on outreach initiatives to women interested in business school, including focused networking events and connecting with Forte MBALaunch participants.

With women making up forty percent of the Class of 2024, Booth aims to continue growing as a top choice for women pursuing their MBA. Chicago Booth remains a school where women are engaged, encouraged, and supported throughout their experience with specialized programming efforts such as our annual Booth Women Connect Conference and student group involvement opportunities such as Chicago Women in Business, Graduate Women in Business, and Parents of Little Ones. Read on to learn more about the experiences of women at Booth.