Has Capitalism Moved On from ‘American Psycho’?
Chicago Booth’s John Paul Rollert reflects on the continuing relevance of Bret Easton Ellis’s 1991 novel.
Has Capitalism Moved On from ‘American Psycho’?Is greed good? Or is it bad, but useful? Chicago Booth ethics professor John Paul Rollert explores historical perspectives and contemporary examples to examine how greed functions in human societies.
Chicago Booth’s John Paul Rollert reflects on the continuing relevance of Bret Easton Ellis’s 1991 novel.
Has Capitalism Moved On from ‘American Psycho’?Chicago Booth’s Alexander Todorov and University of Chicago’s Wilma A. Bainbridge and Ben Zhao discuss biases relating to faces and the implications of facial-recognition technology.
Is it Ethical to Use Facial Imaging in Decision-Making?In the midst of a social movement, it takes more than words to win public opinion.
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