In one of this year’s bestselling books, The Anxious Generation: How the Great Rewiring of Childhood Is Causing an Epidemic of Mental Illness, New York University’s Jonathan Haidt argues that today’s childhoods spent under the influence of smartphones and overprotective parenting have led to the reported explosion in cases of teenage anxiety and depression. He calls this process a “three-act play”: the diminishment of trust in our communities, the loss of a play-based childhood, and the arrival of a hyperconnected world.

Haidt also believes the problem is solvable. On this episode of Capitalisn’t, he joins hosts Bethany McLean and Luigi Zingales to discuss parenting, learning, adolescence, and his four proposed solutions to break social media’s “collective action trap” on children.

But are his solutions feasible? How do we weigh their costs, benefits, limitations, risks, and the roadblocks to their implementation? What are the consequences of an anxious generation for our economy—and what can we really do about it?

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