An acquaintance recently wrote to me about her daughter, Olivia. Olivia is a 29-year-old diabetic woman on the autism spectrum. These days, she regularly walks a 2-mile trek through her small, rural community in the western United States. But only a few years ago, she hardly walked at all. She doesn’t drive, so she would walk to the grocery store or to restaurants near her house if no one was around to drive her, but otherwise she found walking boring and preferred to stay home. Then she downloaded Pokémon GO.
Growing up in the late 1990s, Olivia was a big Pokémon fan. So when Pokémon GO came out in 2016, she was excited to start playing again. The game uses your phone’s GPS and clock to detect where and when you’re in the game and make Pokémon characters “appear” around you so you can go and catch them. Soon after downloading the game, Olivia started taking her 2-mile walks. That route was the best for catching Pokémon. The game gave her a reason to go out and walk—this was the Pokémon journey she’d dreamed of going on since she was 10 years old.
Olivia’s isn’t the only story I’ve heard about Pokémon GO motivating more exercise. In fact, the game was a big reason my eight-year-old son and I started taking walks around our neighborhood, and it was so wildly popular when it first came out that researchers estimate the game added 144 billion steps across the US at its peak, in summer 2016. It was so successful that people blamed Pokémon GO for getting too many distracted walkers out on the streets.
Pokémon GO motivated so much exercise—more than other exercise apps—because it relied on people’s intrinsic motivation. It turned walking into a game.
There are three ways to make a boring or difficult activity more intrinsically motivating. First, we have the aptly named “make-it-fun” strategy, which as you might guess involves making an activity fun. The make-it-fun strategy actively associates immediate incentives (i.e., minigoals) with pursuing the activity. These incentives harness our need for instant gratification and thereby make a previously dull activity more exciting, letting us experience it as its own end. For example, when Cornell’s Kaitlin Woolley and I (to the chagrin of some teachers) encouraged high-school math students to listen to music, eat snacks, and use brightly colored pens while doing their math assignment, we found that the students worked longer. Doing math was fun because it delivered immediate auditory, taste, and visual benefits. Catching a Pokémon is also an immediate incentive for Pokémon GO players.