November 20, 2016

Contro Fakebook, per il next journalism (Blog De Biase)

Vale la pena di ricordare oggi il libro di Bill Kovach e Tom Rosenstiel: Blur. How to know what’s true in the age of information overload. È un manuale dedicato ad aumentare la consapevolezza dei giornalisti e del pubblico intorno alle abilità metodologiche che devono essere coltivate da chi cerchi di conoscere come stanno le cose intorno ai fatti di attualità (e non solo).
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November 11, 2016

Chicago’s Booth School seeks business journalists for 10-week program (Talking Biz News)

The Stigler Center at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business is launching a Journalists in Residence Program from March 27–June 2, 2017.
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November 10, 2016

Trump’s First Task: Close the Wall Street-Washington Wormhole (Wall Street Daily)

Hot takes abound here in the immediate aftermath of one of the most historic presidential elections in U.S. history. Here’s one about a subtle step to shake up the Establishment.
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November 8, 2016

A Trump-Clinton donor divide: Home values (Crain's Chicago Business)

If there are Clinton victory parties tonight in Chicago, they're likely to be in nicer homes than celebrations for a Trump win. The median home value for a Chicago-area donor to Democrat Hillary Clinton's campaign is almost one-third higher than the median for donors to Republican Donald Trump, according to research from the University of Chicago.
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October 4, 2016

Capture and Ignorance in Financial Regulation (Cato at Liberty)

After spending some years in both legislative and regulatory policy roles, I’ve come to even more strongly believe that almost everything you really need to understand regulation can be found in Peltzman’s classic 1976 extension of Stigler’s original economic model of regulation.
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September 2, 2016

How to come up with a strategy under true uncertainty (LSE Business Review)

In uncertainty, strategic advantage comes from organisational form, instead of plan, writes Prateek Raj.
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August 11, 2016

'Googlement' Pushes Aside 'Government Sachs' (Bloomberg)

You remember “Government Sachs,” right? It’s the nickname that gained currency during the financial crisis for the Wall Street firm and its alumni, who seemed to occupy every crucial position in Washington. Well, now there’s Govergle. Or maybe it’s Googlement. Alphament, anyone?
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August 10, 2016

India’s Outgoing Central Bank Governor Rajan Says He Didn’t Pay Attention to Personal Attacks (The Wall Street Journal)

Raghuram Rajan said in TV interview that academic life 'gives you a pretty thick skin'
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July 28, 2016

What Does "Regulatory Capture" Mean to Business and the Economy? (Inc.)

Bernie Sanders has helped popularize an idea that regulators are in thrall to the businesses they oversee. But there are almost as many definitions of 'capture'--and its broader implications-- as there are people chattering about it.
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July 15, 2016

Brexit: The Fallout In Italy (Wbez)

It’s been less than a month since the UK voted to leave the European Union, so there is still a lot of uncertainty about how the vote will impact the rest of the EU. One those countries caught up in that uncertainty is Italy.
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June 12, 2016

Raghuram Rajan's battle against crony capitalism: University of Chicago colleague defends RBI chief (

Rajan has rightly decided to force Indian banks to cut down exposure to their most dubious borrowers, writes Luigi Zingales.
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June 6, 2016

Study Of Global Billionaires Suggests Americans Are Getting Fleeced By Rents (International Business Times)

It should come as no surprise that the US leads the world in the absolute number of billionaires in the country — 536 in 2015. But what those billionaires say about America is less obvious. In a new study, researchers parsed the global list of billionaires maintained by Forbes magazine, examining trends across the world over the past two decades. America’s billionaires demonstrated three things: fewer heirs, more financiers and higher rents.
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May 17, 2016

Quando e perché le banche controllano i giornali (Veneto Vox)

Gli inglesi la chiamano regulatory capture, la “cattura del regolatore”: il fenomeno – studiato dagli economisti – delle authority di controllo che finiscono per fare gli interessi dei controllati. «Ce n’è però un altro, ugualmente preoccupante, che io chiamo la “cattura dei media”, di cui però non si interessa nessuno, ed è un grave errore perché ha un rilievo enorme». Luigi Zingales è un economista di fama: ex cda di Eni e Telecom, insegna a Chicago ma è anche editorialista per il Sole 24 Ore e L’Espresso.
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May 06, 2016

Commentary: To get Trump's appeal, look to why Italy elected Berlusconi (Chicago Tribune)

With his big victory in Indiana, Donald Trump has all but secured the Republican presidential nomination. What nearly a year ago many considered a joke has now become reality, and it is time to consider the causes and the consequences of the Trump phenomenon.
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May 05, 2016

Growing Support for a National Health Program and Health Care as a Human Right (Huffington Post)

We can thank Bernie Sanders’ presidential campaign for putting single-payer national health insurance (NHI) on the front burner of today’s national political discussion. This is long overdue and especially timely as the two parties debate alternatives for future U. S. health care.
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March 28, 2016

L’étonnante impunité des directeurs de banques (Le Temps)

Les conflits juridiques entre le Département américain de justice (DOJ) et les banques ont donné lieu à des règlements financiers, mais les directeurs ont été épargnés. Un journaliste d’enquête explique les raisons d’une justice dorénavant à deux vitesses.
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March 18, 2016

La rabbia dei bianchi è benzina per Trump (L'Espresso)

Il miliardario è molto popolare tra coloro che più hanno pagato la crisi economica. Ma la sua ricetta non li favorirà. E farà aumentare il deficit.
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February 4, 2016

Money and Influence in 2016 Presidential Campaign Tracked by New Index at Chicago Booth (News Wise)

As the 2016 presidential campaign attracts more money and bigger political donations than any campaign in US history, the University of Chicago Booth School of Business has created a financial index to capture the influence that corporations and special interest groups have on politics and the economy.
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January 28, 2016

Can a $4 Million Gift Bring More MBAs to the Nonprofit and Public Sectors? (Inside Philanthropy)

A Wall Street Journal article published earlier in the decade examined the fact that at the time, fewer than 5 percent of graduates from many top business schools take jobs at nonprofit organizations right out of school.
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September 16, 2015

Ep. 3: Luigi Zingales on Italy, Google and Conglomeration, and Donald Trump (Medium)

Conversations with Tyler: Tyler Cowen and Luigi Zingales discuss Italy, Donald Trump, Antonio Gramsci, Google and conglomeration, Luchino Visconti, Starbucks, and the surprisingly high productivity of Italian cafés.
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