October 15-17, 2018

This is a course on the interaction between organizational change and technological change. We shall study how organizations change as a result of digitization, changes in the role of managers, and how organizational structure and change mediates productivity growth.

Join us for three stand-alone, interrelated lunch seminars exploring these topics with Professor Luis Garicano.

Luis Garicano is a professor of Economics and Strategy and head of the Center for the Digital Economy at IE Business School. He has previously been a Full Professor of Economics and Strategy at Chicago Booth (where he has remained a visiting professor, teaching in the Hong Kong and London XP programs, ever since he left Booth) and at the London School of Economics, and has been a visiting Professor at MIT and LBS among other institutions. Garicano is a leading researcher on topics such as the impact of technology on economic growth, the organization of economic activity, and the future of work in the knowledge economy. His research Edit the texthas shown that it is the interaction between technology and its implementation, through organizational change, that really matters in inducing productivity and change. His current lines of research also include building the institutions to avoid new economic crisis in the Eurozone. Garicano holds bachelor’s degrees in Economics and Law from Universidad de Valladolid, a Master’s degree in European Economic Studies from the College of Europe in Bruges, and a Master’s degree and a Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Chicago. Garicano has been actively involved in policy making. He was recently elected Vice President of ALDE (Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe), and he currently heads the area of Economy and Employment for Spain’s Ciudadanos party.

Monday, October 15: 12-1pm
How does organization mediate changes in the structure and level of wages?

This session will study the connection between changes in the nature of tasks, in the organization of work, in the organization of firms and in the structure of incentives

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Tuesday, October 16, 12-1pm
The changing roles of managers in the knowledge economy: managers as translators

This session studies the changing roles of managers as the interface between different "languages" in the organization. We shall explore some theoretical views and study in depth the case of consulting

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Wednesday, October 17, 12-1pm
How does organization mediate productivity growth and economic growth?

This session will deal with differential technology adoption in firms with different firm sizes and ownership structure, and will seek to explain recent evidence on the increasing gap between productivity growth in different sized firms and different countries. We shall also study resistance to change, and why some organizations refuse to adapt to the evolution of technology.

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All seminars take place from 12 to 1 p.m. in Harper Center, Room 104 (5807 S Woodlawn Ave)