Unpacking ESG: Global Leaders Debate The Ins and Outs
Perspectives On Business Risks, Metrics, and the Role of Shareholders.
Unpacking ESG: Global Leaders Debate The Ins and OutsThe research team at the Rustandy Center is compiling data sets to track COVID-19 data by state, including stay-at-home orders, business regulations, and COVID-19 cases by zip code.
These datasets are provided for academic research purposes only. All users of this data should acknowledge the Rustandy Center for Social Sector Innovation, University of Chicago Booth School of Business, in all working papers or publications that use any portion of this data.
Available data sets include:
This spreadsheet lists the number of COVID-19 cases at the zip code-level wherever this data is available. In some cases deaths are listed, but this information is often not publicly available at the zip code-level. Many states have not yet released zip code-level data on COVID-19, though counties and cities within states may have chosen to release this data. This information will be updated on an ongoing basis.
View the latest data set as of October 27 »
This spreadsheet contains a summary of shelter in place, stay at home, and other orders at the state, city, and county levels. Additionally, it contains information on school closures, public health declarations, and other COVID-19-related actions at all levels. As far as we know, the information is current, though it is possible that there exists information that we were unable to discover. The spreadsheet will be updated on an ongoing basis.
View the latest data set as of July 17 »
This spreadsheet contains a summary of business regulations related to COVID-19 at the state and city levels. While it also contains shelter in place and stay at home orders, it focuses on the rollout of restrictions on non-essential services. The spreadsheet will be updated on an ongoing basis.
View the latest data set as of June 8 »
Have questions about the latest data sets? Email alissa.bolz@ChicagoBooth.edu.
Check back to Rustandy's Coronavirus Social Impact Research page for the latest results. Read the press announcement.
Perspectives On Business Risks, Metrics, and the Role of Shareholders.
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