Principal Researcher Rui Sun
PhD, Psychology, University of Cambridge
MRes, Cognitive Neuroscience, University College London
BSc, Psychology, Peking University
PhD, Psychology, University of Cambridge
MRes, Cognitive Neuroscience, University College London
BSc, Psychology, Peking University
Rui Sun's research interests include inequality, networking, wellbeing, emotion, prosociality, and socioeconomic status. She uses both quantitative methods (big data analysis, questionnaire, experience sampling method on smartphones, as well as online, lab, and field experiments) and qualitative methods (such as theme coding interviews, and content analysis) to research these topics. She is the winner of the 2024 Thaler-Tversky Independent Research Grant.
Here at Booth, she researches the following questions:
See Rui's Google Scholar page for a full list of publications.