The Roman Family Center for Decision Research hosts regular events to promote the field of behavioral science and yield scientific discoveries with the potential to improve individual and social welfare.

Featured Event

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Watch: Think Better with Jens Ludwig

Jens Ludwig (University of Chicago Crime Lab) joined the Roman Family Center for Decision Research to present his Think Better talk, "Unforgiving Places: The Behavioral Science of Ending Gun Violence." In his talk, Ludwig argued that we misunderstand gun violence and that behavioral science gives us a new way to understand—and solve—gun violence in America. Watch now.

Watch: Think Better with Jens Ludwig

Roman Family CDR Events

Alex Imas speaking at a lecture  Placeholder


Invited guests, faculty, and students present current research in decision-making and judgment in our workshop series.


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Contact Us

For general inquiries or additional information about the RF-CDR, please email us, or contact:

The Roman Family Center for Decision Research
University of Chicago
Booth School of Business
5807 South Woodlawn Avenue
Chicago, Illinois 60637
Phone: 773.834.9857
Fax: 773.834.9134

PIMCO Decision Research Labs

If you have questions or need to contact the lab staff, contact us at

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