Never Mind the 1 Percent. Let’s Talk About the 0.01 Percent
Examining the macroeconomic impact of America’s top earners.
Example Article SwissAs far back as the 1960s and ’70s, Chicago Booth’s marketing faculty pioneered a quantitative approach to marketing research, using consumer data from newspapers and retail data from stores to gain insights into optimal product marketing.
Today, these scholars are continuing to make important contributions to their field and having tremendous impact on the business world.
Building on this legacy, the Kilts Center is home to a rich archive of data available to academic researchers at Chicago Booth and beyond. Made possible through relationships with Booth alumni and corporate partners, these unique resources help academics around the world generate multi-disciplinary insights.
The datasets at the Kilts Center have been used in hundreds of working papers and business-friendly articles.
The Kilts Center offers eligible faculty, PhD students, and postdoctoral researchers from academic institutions paid subscriptions to data from the following providers.
Nielsen’s Ad Intel covers individual advertising occurrences across the US for a variety of media types since 2010.
Nielsen Ad IntelThe following resources are only available to University of Chicago faculty, PhD students, and postdoctoral researchers.
TransUnion offers anonymized historical, longitudinal consumer credit data that begin in July 2000.
TransUnionThe Kilts Center provides these datasets at no cost to academic researchers.
From the former Chicago-based supermarket chain, Dominick’s Finer Foods, this dataset contains nine years of store-level data on the sales of more than 3,500 UPCs. From 1989 to 1994.
Dominick'sExamining the macroeconomic impact of America’s top earners.
Example Article SwissHome-field advantage is one of the most well-known ideas in sports, and one of the most misunderstood.
Example Article SwissMost people agree that deception is ethical in these situations.
Example Article SwissThe decisions of companies, governments, and educators will help to shape the ultimate outcomes of the A.I. revolution.
Example Article SwissResearch suggests straight women are often more attracted to men they perceive to have more feminine personalities.
Example Article SwissIf race is still an issue in arenas such as sports, the justice system, and hiring, how does it play out in our social lives?
Example Article SwissThe datasets housed at the Kilts Center provide an invaluable foundation for groundbreaking insights in marketing, economics, public policy, and more.
Scholars who have used our datasets.
3,000+Working papers those scholars have produced that feature data from our archive.
820+Universities those scholars represent.
210+Stay up to date and connect with the marketing community by following the Kilts Center on LinkedIn.