In March 2024, the Fama-Miller Center held the first RP Reunion Conference which featured presentations by former FMC research professionals who have completed their PhD programs and are now junior faculty.  The event also honored the memory of Livia Amato, one of the center's former RPs who passed away in 2023, with tributes by some of the Booth faculty she worked with.

The organizers consisted of Professors Anil Kashyap, Lubos Pastor, Quentin Vandeweyer and Constantine Yannelis. The next conference is planned for March 2026. 
View the list of participants


Program Presentations

Hidden Duration: Interest Rate Derivatives in Fixed Income Funds
Minsoo Kim, University of Melbourne

Peer Effects and the Gender Gap in Corporate Leadership: Evidence from MBA Students
Menaka Hampole, Yale University

Microfounding Household Debt Cycles with Extrapolative Expectations
Xiao Yin, University College London

The Debt Ceiling's Disruptive Impact: Evidence from Money Market Funds
William Cassidy, Washington University in St. Louis

Photos by Eleonore de Weyer