Note: All presentations are in room 208. Lunch will be in the Midway Club (5th floor).

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Time (Central Time) Title
1:30 p.m.—2:00 p.m.


2:00 p.m.—2:55 p.m. Marketwide Memory
Presenter: Constantin Charles, London School of Economics
Discussant: Tim Pleskac, Indiana University Bloomington
2:55 p.m.—3:50 p.m. How Harmful is Trading for Utility?
Presenter: Sandro Ambuehl, University of Zurich
Discussant: Katrin Godker, Bocconi University
3:50 p.m.—4:05 p.m. BREAK
4:05 p.m.—5:00 p.m.

Improving Income Elicitation Methods to Increase Income Reporting: Evidence from Two Large-Scale Field Experiments Among Government Benefit Applicants 
Presenter: Wendy De La Rosa, University of Pennsylvania
Discussant: Peter Ganong, University of Chicago Harris School

6:00—9:00 pm

Dinner at Avec West Loop
Note: dinner is for faculty and presenters only


Friday September 13, 2024

Time (Central Time) Title
8:30 a.m.—9:00 a.m. Continental Breakfast       
9:00 a.m.—9:55 a.m. Categorical Thinking about Interest Rates
Presenter: Kelly Shue, Yale School of Management
Discussant: Alex K. Moore, University of Illinois Chicago
9:55 a.m.—10:50 a.m. The Psychological Appeal of Technical Analysis
Presenter: Nicholas Reinholtz, University of Colorado Boulder
Discussasnt: Cameron Peng, London School of Economics
10:50 a.m.—11:10 a.m. BREAK
11:10 a.m.—12:05 p.m. Rethinking the Stock Market Participation Puzzle -- A Qualitative Approach                     
Presenter: Christine Laudenbach, Goethe University
Discussant: Linda Salisbury, Boston College
12:05 p.m.—1:05 p.m. LUNCH (420 lounge)
1:05 p.m.—2:00 p.m. Explanations
Presenter: Thomas Graeber, Harvard Business School
Discussant: Samuel Johnson, University of Waterloo
2:00 p.m.—2:10 p.m. BREAK
2:10 p.m.—3:05 p.m. Automated Social Science: Language Models as Scientist and Subjects
Presenter: John Horton, MIT Sloan School of Management
Discussant: Svetlana Bryzgalova, London Business School
3:05 p.m.—3:15 p.m. BREAK
3:15 p.m.—4:10 p.m.

Financial Infidelity Asymmetry Predicts Couples’ Financial and Relationship Well-Being 
View Appendix (PDF) 
Presenter: Jenny Olson, Indiana University Bloomington
Discussant: C. Yiwei Zhang, University of Wisconsin-Madison