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2023–24 Fellows

Charles Evans

Visiting Senior Research Associate, 2023–24

Charles L. Evans is a 31-year veteran of the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago. As an advisor and policymaker attending FOMC meetings since 1995, his policy experiences span a broad set of episodes unique in post-war economic history. He became President and CEO in September 2007 and served for 15 years. During this time, Evans was recognized as a significant strategic thought leader on the Federal Open Market Committee. His persistent advocacy for transparent communications and forward guidance facilitated the Committee’s adoption of the Evans rule in December 2012, more explicit Committee projections for future policy rates, and enhancements to the long-run strategy of the Committee for making monetary policy. Evans is an accomplished economic researcher. His contributions on dynamic modeling are widely cited and have been incorporated in central bank models around the world to assess policy effectiveness. As a long-time Federal Reserve executive, he navigated a complex governance structure. He chaired Federal Reserve System committees that oversaw strategic assessments of Federal Reserve Bank operations during the Covid-19 pandemic, as well as investment activities to fund both defined benefit and defined contribution retirement plans for over 20,000 employees.

Charles Evans

Past Fellows