Journal of Accounting Research publishes original research in all areas of accounting and topics including finance, economics, statistics, psychology, and sociology. Research typically uses analytical, empirical archival, experimental, or field study methods. Questions pertain to information and measurement used in organizations, markets, governments, regulation and standards; often arising in financial reporting, disclosure, internal accounting, auditing, taxation, corporate governance, capital markets, law, contracting, and with respect to the accounting profession. Between 1963 and 2001, the journal was published by the Chookaszian Accounting Research Center and currently is published by the center in partnership with Wiley-Blackwell.  For more information, view our Aims and Scopes.

JAR is published five times a year, in March, May, June, September, and December. The June issue features papers presented at the previous year's annual research conference.

Submitting to the Journal

As of October 2, 2023,  new submissions should be uploaded via Wiley’s Research Exchange submission portal.

Author Guidelines and Journal Policies

Please ensure that the submitted papers follow the author guidelines and journal policies. In particular, note our data and code sharing policy and FAQ sheet.

Archive Available via JSTOR

Articles published in the Journal of Accounting Research between 1963 and 2000 are available digitally on JSTOR.

Articles Available via Wiley Online

Articles published in the Journal of Accounting Research from 2001 - present are available digitally on Wiley Online.

JAR Information

Chicago Booth Harper Center Placeholder

Call for Papers

We invite scholars to submit papers that integrate theory (from economics, psychology, or sociology) with archival, experimental, or survey methods.

Call for Papers