What is a Pre-Doc?

Pre-doctoral fellowships are an opportunity to work directly with faculty and experience research projects first hand for two years, before applying for a PhD. Our pre-doctoral fellows design and implement entire research pipelines, from data processing, to model development and evaluation, to summarizing and presenting results. In addition, fellows are able to connect with visiting experts and external collaborators, attend interactive seminars with University faculty, and participate in joint lab meetings, collaborating with and learning from other research teams.

For more information about pre-doctoral fellowship positions in general, including their benefits, help on applying, and even a thorough listing of other similar opportunities, we recommend visiting predoc.org.

Current Pre-Doctoral Students

Grey Placeholder Image

Ester Muzychuk

Second Year Ester Muzychuk
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Janani Sekar

First Year Janani Sekar
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Kirill Skobelev

First Year Kirill Skobelev

Application and Hiring Cycle

The job posting for upcoming pre-doc positions will open at the end of September. The deadline for applications falls mid-October. Following the deadline, first round of interviews will happen at the end of October. After interviews, the selection committee will send offers in early November. If chosen, the position will begin in July. 

If you are interested in applying, you will find the application below.

Apply Here