We take a discipline-based approach to strategic management, with a focus on basic and applied research.

Course content extends across functional boundaries, integrating tools from economics, psychology, sociology, and other disciplines. Studying everything from game theory to the techniques of strategic thinking, you’ll explore competitive strategy, corporate strategy, and implementation and strategic planning. And you’ll build the skills you need to solve highly complex and ambiguous business problems.

Choose Your Courses

Customize your MBA education with a concentration in strategic management by choosing four courses in this discipline. Here are just a few of the options.

To see more strategic management courses, visit our course catalog and search by concentration area for your program of interest.

See More Courses

Our Distinguished Faculty in This Area

Our strategic management faculty includes award-winning scholars who have influenced exchange design proposals, provided expert commentary on business strategy in the national press, and won research grants from the National Science Foundation.

Spotlight on Research

Chicago Booth Review and other publications regularly feature the research of Chicago Booth scholars.

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Learn from Industry Experts

Faculty members at Booth are connected to some of the most important leaders across various industries. Our faculty regularly invite these leading practitioners and influencers to speak to students in the Booth classroom, providing you with greater access to learn, network, and grow.

Learn from Industry Experts

Beyond the Classroom

Develop your skills, meet new people, and build a dynamic global network. As an MBA student in strategic management at Booth, you’ll have many opportunities to get involved in student groups, competitions, and other activities.