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Philip G. Berger

Philip G. Berger

Wallman Family Professor of Accounting

  • Accounting for entrepreneurs
  • Key performance indicators
  • Private firms
  • Accounting fraud
  • Corporate restructuring
  • Financial accounting
  • Financial reporting standards
  • Interpreting financial statements
  • Mergers and acquisitions
  • SEC, IASB, and FASB disclosure regulation
  • Valuation of assets and claims
Philip G. Berger
Hans B. Christensen

Hans B. Christensen

Chookaszian Family Professor of Accounting and David G. Booth Faculty Fellow

  • International accounting harmonization
  • Disclosure regulation
  • Foreign corruption regulation
  • Corporate social responsibility reporting
Hans B. Christensen
Merle Erickson

Merle Erickson

Professor of Accounting

  • Effect of taxes on business decisions including mergers, acquisitions. and divestitures
  • Market effects of tax policies
  • Tax and financial accounting treatment effects of various significant corporate transactions (e.g., mergers, employee stock options, etc.)
  • Earnings and balance sheet management
  • Various aspects of fraudulently reported earnings
Merle Erickson
Mark G. Maffett

Mark G. Maffett

Associate Professor of Accounting

  • Divestitures
  • Earnings
  • Earnings management
  • Financial accounting
  • Financial disclosure and stock prices
  • Interpreting financial statements
  • Mergers and acquisitions
  • SEC, IASB, and FASB disclosure regulation
Mark G. Maffett
Michael Minnis

Michael Minnis

Professor of Accounting and Charles E. Merrill Faculty Scholar

  • Accounting fraud
  • Auditing
  • Earnings
  • Earnings management
  • Financial accounting
  • Financial reporting standards
  • Interpreting financial statements
  • Valuation of assets and claims
  • Privately held firms
Michael Minnis
Valeri Nikolaev

Valeri Nikolaev

Professor of Accounting and FMC Faculty Scholar

  • Role of accounting information in contracts
  • Transparency and quality of financial reporting
  • Voluntary disclosure
  • Accounting regulation
Valeri Nikolaev
Thomas Router

Thomas Rauter

Assistant Professor of Accounting; Asness Junior Faculty Fellow and IBM Corporation Faculty Scholar

  • Disclosure regulation
  • Regulatory enforcement
  • Foreign corruption
  • Emerging markets
  • Corporate transparency
  • Fair-value accounting
  • Banking
  • Fintech
  • Public procurement
Thomas Rauter
Haresh Sapra

Haresh Sapra

Charles T. Horngren Professor of Accounting

  • Accounting standards
  • Accounting fraud
  • Earnings management
  • Financial shenanigans
  • Loan loss provisioning models
  • Financial institutions and accounting standards
  • Prudential regulation
  • Auditing
Haresh Sapra
Douglas Skinner

Douglas J. Skinner

Deputy Dean for Faculty and Eric J. Gleacher Distinguished Service Professor of Accounting

  • Corporate financial reporting and disclosure practice (including earnings management, management earnings forecasts, earnings guidance, the effects of stockholder litigation on disclosure practices, and financial reporting practices in Japan)
  • Corporate payout policy (stock repurchases, dividend policy, and the effects of employee stock options), and the interactions among these policies
Douglas J. Skinner
Mark E.  Zmijewski

Mark E. Zmijewski

Charles T. Horngren Professor of Accounting Emeritus

  • Business valuation of companies and parts of companies
  • Mergers and acquisitions: appraisals and analyzing merger synergies
  • Assessing solvency and ability to pay
  • Antitrust issues, such as analysis of merger efficiencies and financial analyses of alleged anticompetitive behavior
Mark E. Zmijewski
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