What skills are you looking to develop at Booth and implement into your social impact work?

I am eager to cultivate skills that equip me to improve government service delivery. The government has an enormous and diverse customer base. I want to learn about how the private sector thinks of customer acquisition, experience, and retention to improve the experience of interfacing with government and to improve outcomes associated with government services.

What are your career aspirations?

I have worked in local, state, and federal government across numerous disciplines, including workforce development, public health, and climate. The common thread is improving economic mobility and quality of life. I want to leverage this background with my MBA to make an outsized difference. I am excited about social sector innovations that have the potential to be scaled. I have also been thinking about the challenges of loneliness, social connection, and social infrastructure. These issues have vast social implications and represent an opening for creative experimentation to make a big difference in peoples’ lives.

How do you think that Booth classroom experience will help you in your work/career growth?

I am a firm believer that the public and private sectors must be partners in solving complex social problems. I expect my Booth classroom experiences will help me learn the “language of business” so I can be a better bridge-builder between sectors. I am excited to be a sponge inside and outside of the classroom, soaking in new ideas and expanding my horizons.

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