Why Booth? Why Civic Scholars?

As I think about my journey into nonprofit leadership and the progress that we’ve made as an organization, I recognize that access to educational opportunities has always played an integral part in my growth. I am excited about attending Booth to gain access to the additional experiential learning opportunities that will allow me to continue to expand my knowledge in new areas of business. The knowledge and business acumen that I will gain from the instructors and my peers will help prepare me to scale my organization. Being a part of the Civic Scholars Program will help connect me with other leaders in the nonprofit and government space that have a similar passion for civic duty. There is a unique connection between these two groups as we have chosen a path of leadership in an area that helps create a more just and equitable society.


What are your career aspirations?

As the executive director and cofounder of my nonprofit, Project SYNCERE, I am working to develop a technology center for youth to provide them with an environment that inspires innovative thinking and serves as a breeding ground for future leaders in STEM. Nationally and internationally, I am also looking to help other organizations and school systems gain access to training, curriculum, and the additional resources necessary for them to empower their local youth. There is an immeasurable amount of untapped potential in our communities, and I believe that we can serve as a catalyst in helping to unlock this potential.

What skills are you looking to develop at Booth and implement into your sector?

As my visions and goals grow, so do the skills required to execute them. While at Booth, I look forward to growing in the areas of finance, strategic management, marketing, and behavior science. Booth will provide me with the opportunity to learn from the best and I’ll be able to immediately put these skills into practice at my organization. I’m excited about the opportunity to learn from my peers, but also share these new experiences and skills with my team to make an even greater impact on the work we do.

Which program format did you choose and why?

I am specifically applying to the Evening program because I have the responsibility of managing my organization and my family. This program provides me with the best opportunity to manage these responsibilities.

Tell us about your career journey and how you got to where you are now within the social sector.

In 2008, I decided to take a leap of faith and leave my role in corporate America as a mechanical engineer to launch the nonprofit, Project SYNCERE, to help inspire the next generation of youth to pursue careers in the STEM fields. The transition from an engineer to executive director of a nonprofit was pretty intense, and the learning curve that came along with the journey was unimaginable. My partners and I took an “all hands on deck” approach to learning the ins-and-outs of the business while working in every capacity imaginable. The grit and determination that was required to ensure the success of the business is something that cannot be taught, but the knowledge necessary for us to be sustainable is something that I have continuously sought out over the years.

As we began to grow, I knew that access to more formal educational opportunities was necessary, and over the years, I have participated in numerous fellowships to help elevate my knowledge and understanding of the nonprofit sector. I have always been a believer in education as a life-long journey and to achieve my goals, I knew that I must continue to elevate my knowledge.

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