Michael Kurt: 00:04
I’ve always been interested in media and entertainment, and prior to Booth, spent the last four years working with the Walt Disney Company in corporate finance. I really learned the power of collaboration and teamwork. Those qualities permeate both organizations. The Booth brand symbolizes community, inquiry, curiosity, and more than anything, it’s a culture of inspiration.
Michael Kurt: 00:24
I came to business school to really develop my strategic mindset. In my Corporation Finance class, one of the cases that we had the chance to work on was a Movie Sequel Options case. It was a chance to really jump into something I could potentially be working on. This summer, I will be interning with Paramount Pictures in their Strategy and Business Development group. The learning is much more applicable and relevant and what I hope to be able to utilize and leverage in the future.
Michael Kurt: 00:50
Booth has such an innovative culture, and that transcends from the classroom through the student groups, from starting off with a trip to Japan with incoming students to being involved in the Graduate Business Council and the Media, Entertainment, and Sports Group. It’s really formed a very holistic and well-rounded experience. When I see other individuals who are just as passionate, I realize that, cohesively, we each bring that value to making this place this special community that it really is.