Below, some Boothies share their experiences being a part of the Booth community and network: how it has helped them during the application process, while recruiting, and even when picking which courses to take.

  1. We’re only at Booth for two years, but we’re building friendships, a network, and careers that are going to go on for a much longer time. Nobody wants to lose that. We all want to continue to be a part of Booth. - Drew Thomas, '16
  2. At Booth, people are really supportive with their time and energy. Not a day goes by where I haven’t seen a student looking to help someone else with their career transitions or accelerations within their industries. - Erik Underwood, '17
  3. I feel like people at Booth are very invested in my passions and in my success. During recruiting, I didn’t know if I was really qualified for a position, so I looked through the Booth directory and found an alum within the company. I reached out and within 45 minutes of sending an email, I had a response from her. I realized, this is the essence of this place. This is what really makes Booth special. - Michael Kurt, '16
  4. Chicago has an incredibly strong network of Booth alumni. I see alums on campus for recruiting and I could feel that they really wanted us to be successful. Not only in the recruiting process but also when we actually start our internships and full-time positions. - Jenny Dunn, '17
  5. During my internship in the Bay area, I frequently ran into business people who would say, "Oh yeah, I went to Booth as well." It's always a nice connection to have. Having that tie to Booth is very powerful, even when you're so far away. - Sam Steiny, '18
  6. You get so much help from second-year peers and student groups during your first year, and then all of a sudden, you’re on the other side. You’re a second year who’s helping out. You truly get to experience both sides of that coin. - Sana Suh, '16
  7. I get emails and phone calls all the time from prospective students wondering about how my Booth experience is going. How can they navigate the process of admission? Is there a fit between their personality and the culture at Booth? It’s great how you develop solid relationships with prospects, by being attentive to what they’re looking for. - Ziad Abouchadi, '17
  8. In my decision-making process to come to Booth, the access I had to alumni was immeasurable—all of them replied to me. I met with several; they spoke about their experiences and how Booth helped them get to where they are in their careers. They even gave me tips about classes to take. - Laura Gontijo de Vasconcellos, '18
  9. Booth really has your back—that’s what makes the Booth brand so strong. Wherever you go, you know you have the Booth community that will always help you move forward in whatever direction you choose. It gives you confidence that you'll be able to succeed, regardless of the challenges you may face. - Gilad Andorn, '18

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