Are you passionate about healthcare and the opportunities to make life and health better for society? Tailor your MBA experience at Booth by earning a healthcare concentration.

Through the application of rigorous frameworks for understanding and analyzing the complex market dynamics and managerial issues that drive the industry, our healthcare curriculum is designed to prepare students to lead and make a positive impact.

With a concentration in healthcare, you'll be equipped to excel in a wide range of high-demand healthcare career paths—from healthcare consulting and hospital administration to business development, insurance executive, private equity, corporate finance, and more. You will leave with powerful analytical frameworks that will empower you to become a better leader and decision maker.

Choose Your Courses

To earn an MBA concentration in healthcare, you’ll choose four courses to match your interests, including at least one core course, one elective course, and up to one lab course (project must be healthcare-related). Here are just a few of the options.

To see more healthcare focused MBA courses, visit our course catalog and search by concentration area for your program of interest.
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Our Distinguished Faculty in This Area

Students earning an MBA with healthcare concentration at Chicago Booth will work closely with faculty who are recognized for their significant contributions to scholarship on the business of healthcare.

Spotlight on Research

The research insights of our healthcare faculty appear regularly in publications, including Chicago Booth Review.

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Bringing Research to Bear on Healthcare

Learn more about how Booth’s Healthcare Initiative integrates business and medical points of view on the complex challenges facing the healthcare sector.

A Home for World-Changing Research

Explore the stories behind monumental breakthroughs in healthcare that happened at the University of Chicago.

UChicago scientist and physician Janet Rowley with a chromosome chart Placeholder

Cancer Research

One University of Chicago scientist changed the way we understand and treat cancer. UChicago scholars continue to build upon that groundbreaking research.

Cancer Research

Beyond the Classroom

Develop your skills, meet new people, and build a dynamic global network. As an MBA student with a healthcare concentration at Booth, you’ll have many opportunities to get involved in student groups, competitions, and other activities.