Since Sweden’s central bank, Sveriges Riksbank, established the Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences in 1968, ten Chicago Booth faculty members have won the award, beginning in 1982 with George Stigler. Four Nobel laureates currently teach on our faculty.

We are proud of our pathbreaking Nobel laureates, each of whom has made profound contributions to the University of Chicago, the field of economics, and the world. Discover more about them below.

Past Recipients of the Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences

George Stigler laughing with two students in a classroom Placeholder

George J. Stigler

Stigler received the 1982 Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences for his seminal studies of industrial structures, the functioning of markets, and the causes and effects of public regulation.

George J. Stigler
Ronald Coase standing in front of a blackboard Placeholder

Ronald Coase

Coase won the 1991 Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences for his breakthroughs in understanding the institutional structure of the economy.

Ronald Coase
Gary Becker walking with a student down a hallway Placeholder

Gary Becker

In 1992, Becker won the Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences for having extended the domain of microeconomic analysis to include a wide range of human behavior and interaction.

Gary Becker
Robert Fogel teaching at a blackboard Placeholder

Robert W. Fogel

Fogel shared his 1993 Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences for having renewed research in economic history by applying economic theory and quantitative methods. 

Robert W. Fogel
Myron Scholes speaking at a podium in an auditorium Placeholder

Myron S. Scholes

Scholes shared the Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences in 1997 with Robert C. Merton for a new method of determining the value of derivatives.

Myron S. Scholes
Eugene Fama presenting in front of a projector screen full on numbers Placeholder

Eugene F. Fama

Fama received the Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences for his groundbreaking research on efficient markets. He shared the prize with Lars Peter Hansen and Robert J. Shiller.

Eugene F. Fama
Richard Thaler presenting at the Chicago Booth Center for Decision Research Placeholder

Richard H. Thaler

Thaler won the 2017 Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences for his contributions to behavioral economics, a field that emerged to fill the gap between psychology and economics.

Richard H. Thaler
Doug Diamond speaking at the Nobel celebration at the Harper Center Placeholder

Douglas W. Diamond

Diamond won the 2022 Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel for his groundbreaking research on banks and financial crises.

Douglas W. Diamond