Darryl Pure
Clinical Professor of Leadership
Clinical Professor of Leadership
Darryl Pure is a clinical psychologist with 38 years of experience facilitating groups in many different settings both clinically and in Training Group formats. He serves on the faculty of the Feinberg School of Medicine, Northwestern University where he coordinates group training in the department of psychiatry.
For 32 years Darryl has led 3-6 groups per week in his clinical practice in addition to running T-Groups for the American Group Psychotherapy Association. There he has also supervised and consulted to T-Group leaders. Darryl has also led T-Groups in many locations both nationally and internationally including Northern Ireland and Israel.
Dr. Pure is a Fellow of the American Group Psychotherapy Association, a Certified Group Psychotherapist of the International Board for the Certification of Group Psychotherapy, and a Fellow of the American Board of Group Psychology. He is also the president-elect of the American Board of Group Psychology and has served as the National Examination Chair.
Darryl’s leadership style has been described as warm, present, engaging, and gently confrontational. He values the power of the group and is keenly aware of when to trust the group and when to intervene to further its objectives. He knows that promoting safety in the group allows its members to delve deeply and learn about themselves and others.