
Dan Adelman is a leading expert in business analytics, helping firms and institutions deploy data and decision analysis to build world-class strategic and tactical management capabilities. He conducts research on foundations of the operations research field, as well as studies the link between operational performance metrics and financial performance. His current work focuses on improving healthcare delivery through data analytics, performance measurement, and hospital benchmarking.

He co-directs the Booth Healthcare Initiative and also leads the Healthcare Analytics Laboratory at Chicago Booth, in which teams of students work on real-world projects with providers to improve healthcare delivery through the analysis of large datasets. The lab has conducted projects in population health, hospital readmissions, bundled payment reimbursement, case mix optimization, hospital scheduling, nurse benchmarking, and others. He has served on the faculty advisory board of the Harry L. Davis Center for Leadership. He publishes regularly and has served as Area Editor for Operations Research, the flagship journal of the field. He teaches regularly in Chicago Booth's Executive MBA Program.

Adelman received a PhD in Industrial Engineering and Operations Research in 1997 from the Georgia Institute of Technology, where he also received a bachelor's degree in industrial engineering and a Master of Science in Operations Research. He is a recipient of the George B. Dantzig Prize for the best dissertation in any area of operations research and the management sciences that is innovative and relevant to practice.

Adelman joined the Chicago Booth faculty in 1997.

Research Interests

Healthcare Data Analytics; Performance Measurement and Benchmarking; Policy Analysis with OR in Energy and Healthcare Systems; Approximate Dynamic Programming; Revenue Management and Pricing Optimization; Supply Chain Management; Inventory, Production, and Logistics.

Academic Areas

  • Operations Management

Selected Publications

2024 - 2025 Course Schedule

Number Course Title Quarter
40721 Healthcare Analytics Lab 2025 (Winter)
40206 Healthcare Business Analytics 2025 (Winter)
40912 Healthcare Data for Researchers 2024 (Autumn)

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