Academic Areas Marketing Faculty and Research
Marketing is one of the most interdisciplinary-rich academic areas at Chicago Booth.
Our marketing professors study and teach the quantitative and qualitative areas of marketing—from the mental processes underlying consumer financial decision-making to personalized pricing to the psychology of rewards.
In turn, our students learn both the art and the science of marketing.
Marketing faculty have access to one of the leading marketing research centers anywhere in higher education—the James M. Kilts Center for Marketing. The Kilts Center provides our faculty with access to a number of datasets, including Nielsen datasets, which they use to produce groundbreaking research.
Our marketing faculty are regularly featured in international media and leading scientific magazines, including Wired, the Wall Street Journal, and Scientific American. Their research also appears in the top journals in this area, including the Journal of Marketing Research and Marketing Science.
Marketing Faculty
Regardless of their program of study, students who study marketing at Booth are exposed to cutting-edge marketing courses in which our faculty incorporate their analytical and quantitative approach to marketing in the classroom.
For instance, Günter J. Hitsch’s Data Science for Marketing Decision Making course introduces students to a professional data scientist’s decision-making workflow. New Products and Services introduces students to state-of-the-art practices in new product/service innovation, combining lessons from textbooks, case studies, and readings from practitioners and academics.
Discover more about our marketing faculty, including the classes they teach, below.
Pradeep K. Chintagunta
Joseph T. and Bernice S. Lewis Distinguished Service Professor of Marketing
Pradeep K. ChintaguntaKristin Donnelly
Assistant Professor of Marketing and Stevens Junior Faculty Fellow
Kristin DonnellyJean-Pierre Dubé
James M. Kilts Distinguished Service Professor of Marketing and Charles E. Merrill Faculty Scholar
Jean-Pierre DubéAyelet Fishbach
Eric J. Gleacher Distinguished Service Professor of Behavioral Science and Marketing
Ayelet FishbachAnn L. McGill
Sears Roebuck Professor of General Management, Marketing and Behavioral Science
Ann L. McGillSanjog Misra
Charles H. Kellstadt Distinguished Service Professor of Marketing and Applied AI
Sanjog MisraAvner Strulov-Shlain
Assistant Professor of Marketing and Willard Graham Faculty Scholar
Avner Strulov-ShlainFeatured Research in Chicago Booth Review
Discover some of the latest research from our marketing professors.
In Corporate Responses to Black Lives Matter, Commitment Speaks Volumes
In the midst of a social movement, it takes more than words to win public opinion, says Booth’s Pradeep K. Chintagunta.
In Corporate Responses to Black Lives Matter, Commitment Speaks VolumesYou Should Run More Experiments
Testing assumptions in the field can avoid costly errors in decision-making, argues Booth’s Oleg Urminsky.
You Should Run More ExperimentsThe ‘Made-in-USA’ Label Boosts Prices, But Just a Little
Booth PhD candidate Xinyao Kong and Booth’s Anita Rao find consumers will pay more for American-made products—but probably not enough to justify relocating production.
The ‘Made-in-USA’ Label Boosts Prices, But Just a LittleResearch with Impact
“Personalized pricing would expand customer bases and give companies a chance to expand nutritional education to those who need it. It’s also an opportunity for a company that espouses a health-based mission to put its money where its mouth is.”
Jean-Pierre Dubé, writing about potential social benefits of personalized pricing.
Research with ImpactOur MBA Concentrations in This Area
Marketing Management
Go beyond the bounds of traditional marketing practice. This concentration prepares you to act decisively and solve problems with confidence.
Marketing ManagementOur PhD Dissertation Areas in This Area
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Marketing Faculty in the News
Sales Calls Have Gone Virtual, and A.I. Is Listening In
October 09, 2020 | Wired
Booth’s Sanjog Misra says A.I. analytics tools remove some of the mystique from sales.
If Saving during a Pandemic Is Hard, Here’s How to Stay Motivated
May 14, 2020 | Wall Street Journal
Booth’s Abigail Sussman suggests that maintaining a savings mindset can help people stay focused on long-term goals. “Having higher-level savings goals in mind becomes really important in terms of keeping your eye on ‘How can I continue to be really making financially wise decisions and financially efficient decisions, even if I’m taking on debt?’” Sussman said.
Why Feeling Close to the Finish Line Makes You Push Harder
June 09, 2020 | Scientific American
Booth’s Oleg Urminsky has been studying the goal gradient hypothesis since he was a doctoral student. The basic idea is that the closer we get to completing a goal, the more motivated we are to achieve it.
Partnering across the University of Chicago and Beyond
Our marketing faculty members are active in and outside of the University of Chicago.
Pradeep K. Chintagunta, Giovanni Compiani, Jean-Pierre Dubé, Sanjog Misra, Anita Rao, and Brad Shapiro are scholars with the Becker Friedman Institute for Economics at the University of Chicago. Abigail Sussman is a research affiliate with ideas42 and the Harvard Sustainability, Transparency, and Accountability Research (STAR) Lab. Professor Rao is on the editorial boards of Marketing Science and the Journal of Marketing Research.
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Apply to Faculty PositionsLearn About Our Research Workshops
Our research workshops provide a forum for faculty, PhD students, and invited guests to present, discuss, and debate new research.
Learn About Our Research WorkshopsResearch Spotlight
Discover some of the latest working papers and published papers from our marketing faculty.
“A Dragging-Down Effect: Consumer Decisions in Response to Price Increases”
Abigail Sussman, Christopher K. Hsee, and current PhD student Shirley Zhang
“How and When to Use the Political Cycle to Identify Advertising Effects”
Bradley Shapiro and Sarah Moshary, with coauthor Jihong Song (Princeton University)
“The Persuasive Effect of Fox News: Non-Compliance with Social Distancing During the COVID-19 Pandemic”
Jean-Pierre Dubé, with coauthors Andrey Simonov (Columbia Business School), Szymon Sacher (Columbia University Department of Economics), and Shirsho Biswas (University of Washington Michael G. Foster School of Business; University of Chicago)
Research Centers in This Area
Research centers across Booth and the University of Chicago are hubs for innovation and world-changing research. The centers provide our faculty with research support, and our faculty members lend their expertise to the centers, enriching the student experience and the broader academic community at Booth.
James M. Kilts Center for Marketing
The Kilts Center for Marketing advances marketing at Booth by facilitating faculty research, supporting innovation in Booth’s marketing curriculum, funding scholarships, and creating engaging programs.
James M. Kilts Center for MarketingRoman Family Center for Decision Research
Positioned at the forefront of the rapidly developing field of behavioral science, CDR is devoted to building a richer understanding of human behavior and experience.
Roman Family Center for Decision Research