2019 New Hires by Function: Full-Time

Chicago Booth students are making bold moves across a variety of functions. Use this page to make educated decisions and get good insights into salary in each function.

September 13, 2019

Function (Click on a function for more info) Percent
of Hires
of Hires
Salary 1
Salary 1
Salary 1
Sign-On 1,2,3
Finance 36.2% 175 $80,000 $250,000 $150,000 $40,000
Marketing 5.2% 25 $102,000 $145,000 $120,000 $30,000
All 100.0% 483 $78,700 $250,000 $145,000 $30,000

(1) Compensation information is self-reported. 91% of students reporting accepted offers included salary information. Insufficient data indicates less than 1% reporting for all accepted offers and/or less than 50% with salary information.
(2) To be noted in this table, at least 50% of accepted offers in this function reported a bonus. Overall, 67% of accepted offers reported a sign-on bonus.
(3) Accepted offers in these functions include graduates working at start-ups: Business Development (3), Corporate Strategy/Strategic Planning (2), Company Finance (Analysis/Treasury) (1), Private Equity (1), General Management (3), Brand/Product Management (1), Operations - Production/Supply Chain Mgmt/Logistics (2), and Product Management (Tech) (3).
In total, 3.3% of accepted offers for the Class of 2019 were with start-ups. For base salary, the minimum was $80,000, the maximum was $150,000, and the median was $135,000.