2021 Class Analysis: Full-Time

The tools you need to find a full-time job are right at your fingertips. Use the data in the Employment Report to expand your reach and do the research to be successful in your search.

September 9, 2021

Class Analysis by the Numbers

Fast Fact: By three months post-graduation

of 2021 graduates reported having received full-time job offers

had accepted job offers

Employment Profile Percent of Class Number of Students
Seeking Employment 81.6% 476
Not Seeking Employment 16.6% 97
Sponsored 12.3% 72
Starting Own Business/Entrepreneur 3.8% 22
Continuing Education 0.2% 1
Not Seeking, Other Reason 0.2% 1
Postponing Job Search 0.2% 1
Not Responding to Survey 1.7% 10
Total Graduates 100.0% 583
Employment Profile At Graduation By Three Months
Post Graduation
Job Offers 1

US Citizens/Permanent Residents 92.7% 97.7%
International Graduates 93.2% 97.7%
Total 92.9% 97.7%

Job Acceptances

US Citizens/Permanent Residents 88.7% 96.5%
International Graduates 88.6% 96.2%
Total 88.7% 96.4%

Demographic Profile

Mean Age 28
Mean Years of Work Experience 5

Female 40%
International 31%


(1) Represents percent of students who are seeking employment. Five students, representing 1.1% of students seeking employment, reneged on offers that had been accepted. One student, representing 0.2% of students seeking employment, was extended an offer which was later rescinded.
(2) Demographic information is based on Full-Time MBA students matriculating in September 2019.


Salary by Citizenship - Full Time

Citizenship Percent
of Hires
of Hires
Salary 1
Salary 1
Salary 1
U.S. Citizens/Permanent Residents 72.3% 332 $75,000 $225,000 $155,000
International Graduates 27.7% 127 $80,000 $198,000 $152,500
All 100.0% 459 $75,000 $225,000 $155,000


Salary by Undergraduate Major - Full Time

Undergraduate Major Percent
of Hires
of Hires
Salary 1
Salary 1
Business Degree 53.6% 246 $75,000 $225,000 $155,000
Technical Degree 28.8% 132 $90,000 $200,000 $150,000
Other 17.6% 81 $79,000 $195,000 $160,000
All 100.0% 459 $75,000 $225,000 $155,000


Salary by Years of Experience - Full Time

Years of Experience Percent
of Hires
of Hires
Salary 1
Salary 1
Salary 1
Less than 1 year 2.4% 11 $120,000 $175,000 $165,000
1 to 3 years 2.2% 10
$94,740 $200,000 $165,000
3 to 5 years 40.3% 185 $80,000 $200,000 $155,000
More than 5 years 55.1% 253 $75,000 $225,000 $155,000
All 100.0% 459 $75,000 $225,000 $155,000

(1) Compensation information is self-reported. 88% of students reporting accepted offers included salary information. Insufficient data indicates less than 1% reporting for all accepted offers and/or less than 50% with salary information.