Enhancing Personal Brand

CareerCast - Life-long Career Development

Building a strong personal brand is crucial to a long, successful, and satisfying career—today more than ever before. In this CareerCast, Fredrik Härén, creativity expert, innovation professor, and author of The Idea Book and The Developing World, will share his very unique perspective, experience, and practical tips on about how to build and enhance your personal brand for short- and long-term career success.

Aired January 21, 2011

Fredrik Härén is one of the most talked-about names in the field of creativity. Based in Singapore, he is an accomplished author and speaker who has delivered over 1,000 presentations, lectures, and workshops across 25 countries, focused on creativity, idea generation and entrepreneurship. He was voted “Speaker of the Year” in 2007 in Sweden, was nominated “Entrepreneur of the Year” in 2003 by the Swedish magazine Shortcut, and has received honorary mentions for the “Innovative Thinker of the Year” award, run by the Swedish Post Office’s small-business magazine, You & Co. Fredrik is the founder of interesting.org, a company whose business idea is to do business from ideas!

Fredrik presents on a range of topics, including From the Information Age to the Innovation Age; Why Business Creativity Will Become Even More Important in the Future; and Why We Are Less Creative Than We Think—But More Creative Than We Can Imagine! He punctuates his messages with a number of amusing examples to help the audience understand the value of thinking in new ways, yet appreciate just how difficult this is to accomplish.

Fredrik has worked with clients including ABB, American Express, China Mobile, China Telecom, Ericsson, GE, HP, IBM, INSEAD, IKEA, Microsoft, Ministry of Finance Singapore, Nokia, Ogilvy, Pfizer, Saab, Sandvik, SonyEricsson, Swedish National Bank, Swedish Radio, Swedish Parliament, Stockholm School of Economics, TeliaSonera, and many others. He also teaches a Creative Entrepreneurship course in the Stockholm School of Economics EMBA program.

Fredrik was born and raised in Sweden, spent some time living and working in Beijing, and is currently based in Singapore. He is the author of The Idea Book (2004), which is a book and notebook combined, designed to awaken creativity. This has sold over 50,000 copies of the Swedish version alone and is now produced and sold in countries all over the world. His latest book, The Developing World (2009), is about creativity, dreams, and a curiosity about the world. It is about change, awakening, and the dangers of not seeing what is going on in the world today.

Me 2.0, Revised and Updated Edition: 4 Steps to Building Your Future by Dan Schawbel (2010) 

You Are a Brand! How Smart People Brand Themselves for Business Success by Catherine Kaputa (2010) 

Managing Brand You: 7 Steps to Creating Your Most Successful Self by Jerry S. Wilson and Ira Blumenthal (2008) 

Career Distinction: Stand Out by Building Your Brand by William Arruda and Kristen Dixson (2007) 

The Idea Book by Fredrik Härén (2006) 

Brag! The Art of Tooting Your Own Horn without Blowing It by Peggy Klaus (2004) 

Career Warfare: 10 Rules for Building a Successful Personal Brand and Fighting to Keep It by David F. D’Alessandro and Michele Owens (2004) 

Make a Name for Yourself: Eight Steps Every Woman Needs to Create a Personal Brand Strategy for Success by Robin Fisher Roffer (2002) 

Leveraging Social Media to Enhance Your Personal Brand,” CareerCast interview with Brian Reich (March 2010)

Fredrik Haren The Developing World

Read an excerpt of The Developing World by Fredrik Härén. 

Read the excerpt