Bouncing Back from a Career Challenge

CareerCast - Life-long Career Development

John Baldoni Career challenges (especially the big ones) can send individuals into a nosedive, and some never get back on track. Yet others use obstacles to reassess, recommit, and re-establish themselves in a new and often more rewarding professional endeavor. In this CareerCast, John Baldoni, internationally recognized leadership consultant, speaker, and author of numerous publications and 10 books (including his latest, Lead with Purpose: Giving Your Organization a Reason to Believe in Itself), will share his vast experience, deep knowledge, and multifaceted perspective on how to bounce back from a career challenge.

Aired October 19, 2012

The Leader’s Pocket Guide: 101 Indispensable Tools, Tips, and Techniques for Any Situation by John Baldoni (2012)

The 11 Laws of Likability: Relationship Networking ... Because People Do Business with People They Like by Michelle Tillis Lederman 

Bounce Back: Overcoming Setbacks to Succeed in Business and in Life by John Calipari (2010)

Comebacks: Powerful Lessons from Leaders Who Endured Setbacks and Recaptured Success on Their Terms by Andrea Redmond and Patricia Crisafulli (2010)

The Happiness Advantage: The Seven Principles of Positive Psychology That Fuel Success and Performance at Work by Shawn Achor (2010)

Mojo: How to Get It, How to Keep It, How to Get It Back if You Lose It by Marshall Goldsmith (2010)

Rebound: A Proven Plan for Starting Over After Job Loss by Martha I. Finney (2009)

When Smart People Fail by Carole Hyatt and Linda Gottlieb (2009) 

Firing Back: How Great Leaders Rebound After Career Disasters by Jeffrey Sonnenfeld and Andrew Ward (2007)

Career Comeback: Eight Steps to Getting Back on Your Feet When You’re Fired, Laid Off, or Your Business Venture Has Failed—And Finding More Job Satisfaction Than Ever Before by Bradley Richardson (2004)

Why Smart Executives Fail: And What You Can Learn from Their Mistakes by Sydney Finkelstein (2004)

John Baldoni is an internationally recognized leadership consultant, coach, author, and speaker. He is the president of Baldoni Consulting LLC, an executive coaching and leadership development firm.

John has taught what it means to inspire at the top of a mountain in the Canadian Rockies. At sea level in Orlando, Florida, John spoke to nearly 1,000 USAF/JAG commissioned and noncommissioned officers on leadership and communication. And his books, Lead with Purpose (2011), Lead Your Boss (2009), and Lead by Example (2008), were selected as best leadership books of their respective years. 

In 2012, Leadership Gurus International ranked John No. 10 on its list of global leadership gurus. This is the fifth consecutive year John has been listed as a top leadership expert by this organization. 

John began his business career in a 15th-floor office with a view of a private golf course. Around the corner was a commanding view of the Pacific Ocean. In between was a recording studio where John produced and edited corporate radio spots. But John gave that all up to start his own business in the spare bedroom of a beachfront rental more than three decades ago. 

In time, John established a career as a highly sought-after communications and leadership consultant, where he had the privilege of working with senior leaders in virtually every industry from pharmaceuticals to real estate, packaged goods to automobiles, and finance to healthcare. 

John speaks widely to corporate, professional, military, and university audiences. Those who attend John’s keynotes and workshops find his advice to be practical and his advice inspirational. Mixed with stories of great men and women, and leavened with light-hearted humor, John offers down-to-earth practical advice that individuals can apply immediately. John’s presentations blend his passion for leadership with genuine enthusiasm for helping people achieve their leadership ambitions. 

In fall 2011 John published his 10th book, Lead with Purpose: Giving Your Organization a Reason to Believe in Itself. Over the past decade, John has established himself as a world authority on topics that matter to leaders who are seeking insight into leadership challenges of the day. Through his books and many columns for leading business publications, John has become a source of practical wisdom on topics such as influencing without authority, applying power appropriately, leading with grace and conviction, and developing genuine followership. 

All of these topics complement John’s mission to help individuals and their organizations achieve positive results. Consequently, John’s books have been translated into multiple languages, including Mandarin, Hungarian, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean, Spanish, and Vietnamese. 

As a recognized global thought leader, John provides executive coaching that helps managers to achieve positive results by focusing on communication, influence, motivation, and supervision. John specializes in leadership presence, which he defines as “demonstrating earned authority.” John’s coaching clients include Fortune 1000 companies as well as nonprofits. 

John has written over 400 leadership columns for prominent sites and publications such as Forbes, CBSNews/MoneyWatch, Bloomberg Businessweek, Harvard Business Review, the Wall Street Journal, and the Washington Post

John has been quoted by scores of publications, including the New York Times, Boston Globe, Chicago Tribune, Christian Science Monitor, Globe and Mail (Canada), HR Management, and the Washington Post. Additionally, John has appeared on many radio programs, including the national version of the Michael Smerconish Show. Reviews of his work have appeared in a number of publications, including Investor’s Business Daily, Training & Development, Sales & Marketing Management,, and The Hindu

John has created a video coaching series for Athena Online and a series of coaching podcasts for CXO Media. These forms of media give John the opportunity to reach a wider audience with his leadership insights designed to help managers become effective leaders. 

A resident of Ann Arbor, Michigan, John shares a home with his wife, Gail. They are the parents of two grown children. Author, speaker, and coach John Baldoni loves his work and seeks to instill hope and optimism in all he reaches and teaches.

John Baldoni Leaders Pocket Guide

Read an excerpt of The Leader’s Pocket Guide: 101 Indispensable Tools, Tips, and Techniques for Any Situation by John Baldoni. 

Read the Excerpt