Discuss the growing influence of ETFs with members of the Boston investment community in a lunch symposium (catered by Cosi) at the offices of SSGA (State Street Financial Center, 1 Lincoln St., across from South Station). We will discuss the growth and evolution of ETFs and their impact on active long-only, long-short (Clough Capital) and quantitative (Numeric Investors) styles. ETFs have obviously impacted the active long-only mutual fund industry and we expect a lively discussion among all attending this lunch symposium. Booth alumni and friends are invited to attend.
Driving Directions:
Across from South Station. Sign in with security in the side lobby bordered by Essex St. and Kingston St.
Speaker Profiles
Greg Fontana (Moderator)
Managing Partner, Convergent Capital Partners
Rob Furdak (Panelist)
CIO, Numeric Investors
Eric Brock (Panelist)
Partner, Clough Capital
David Mazza (Panelist)
Strategist, ETF Strategy and Consulting
Greg Fontana, '89
Other Information
Other panelists may be added this week, but we expect to have a roundtable discussion over lunch.