Sauter worked on industry issues with governmental entities including the SEC, and the Federal Reserve, as well as providing Congressional testimony. He served as a member of various industry committees, including the Investment Company Institute Trading Committee, the NYSE Institutional Advisors’ Trading Committee, the NASDAQ Quality of Markets, and the Securities Industry Association Trading Committee.e participated on the AIMR (now CFA Institute) Best Execution Task Force and the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board Investor Advisor Group.

He currently is the CEO of a startup company and a member of six investment committees, including an endowment, an investment advisor, an Australian retirement fund, FINRA, and the PGA of America. He is a past member of the University of Chicago Booth School of Business Council for the dean. He also writes articles for The Wall Street Journal online edition as a member of the “Experts Panel.” He received his bachelor’s degree from Dartmouth College and his MBA from the University of Chicago.