This diverse community adds an extra dimension to your business education as instructors and peers share their experiences and knowledge.

You will also gain access to a global network of more than 56,000 alumni in more than 120 countries.

Connect with Booth Students Around the World

If you would like to speak to a student from your home country or ask any questions about the Full-Time MBA student experience at Chicago Booth, visit our Connect with a Student resource to find a Country Captain in your area.

STEM Eligibility

The Chicago Booth MBA degree is designated STEM-eligible for Optional Practical Training (OPT) purposes. International graduates on F-1 student visas who earn a Chicago Booth MBA may be eligible to apply for an additional 24 months of training through work experience.

International Student Support

International Programs provides support to all international students at Booth. Building on our International Student Orientation, we support and advise international students throughout the year on a variety of issues. Some of these topics include transitioning back to life as a student; referring students to various resources at Chicago Booth, at the University of Chicago, and around Chicago; and assisting students with special issues such as language, networking, or cultural adjustment. International Programs is available to help you meet your professional, academic, and personal goals. You can reach International Programs by email or at 773.702.4323.

Stories from the Full-Time International Community

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Gain a Global Perspective

At Booth, business education has a global foundation.

Gain a Global Perspective

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